HTML RGB and RGBA Colors

An RGB color value represents RED, GREEN, and BLUE light sources.

An RGBA color value is an extension of RGB with an Alpha channel (opacity).

RGB Color Values

In HTML, a color can be specified as an RGB value, using this formula:

rgb(red, green, blue)

Each parameter (red, green, and blue) defines the intensity of the color with a value between 0 and 255.

This means that there are 256 x 256 x 256 = 16777216 possible colors!

For example, rgb(255, 0, 0) is displayed as red, because red is set to its highest value (255), and the other two (green and blue) are set to 0.

Another example, rgb(0, 255, 0) is displayed as green, because green is set to its highest value (255), and the other two (red and blue) are set to 0.

To display black, set all color parameters to 0, like this: rgb(0, 0, 0).

To display white, set all color parameters to 255, like this: rgb(255, 255, 255).

Experiment by mixing the RGB values below:









rgb(255, 0, 0)
rgb(0, 0, 255)
rgb(60, 179, 113)
rgb(238, 130, 238)
rgb(255, 165, 0)
rgb(106, 90, 205)

Shades of Gray

Shades of gray are often defined using equal values for all three parameters:


rgb(60, 60, 60)
rgb(100, 100, 100)
rgb(140, 140, 140)
rgb(180, 180, 180)
rgb(200, 200, 200)
rgb(240, 240, 240)

RGBA Color Values

RGBA color values are an extension of RGB color values with an Alpha channel - which specifies the opacity for a color.

An RGBA color value is specified with:

rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)

The alpha parameter is a number between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (not transparent at all):

Experiment by mixing the RGBA values below:











rgba(255, 99, 71, 0)
rgba(255, 99, 71, 0.2)
rgba(255, 99, 71, 0.4)
rgba(255, 99, 71, 0.6)
rgba(255, 99, 71, 0.8)
rgba(255, 99, 71, 1)

Django is a back-end server side web framework.

Django is free, open source and written in Python.

Django makes it easier to build web pages using Python.

Learning by Doing

In this tutorial you get a step by step guide on how to install and create a Django project. You will learn how to create a project where you can add, read, update or delete data.

You will learn how to make HTML Templates and use Django Template Tags to insert data within a HTML document.

You will learn how to work with QuerySets to extract, filter, and sort data from the database.

You will also learn how to set up a PostgreSQL database and how to deploy your Django project to the world.

Django Exercises

Top of Form

Test Yrself With Exercises

Bottom of Form

Django Quiz

Learn by taking a quiz! The quiz will give you a signal of how much you know about Django.


Learning by Examples

In the tutorial we will use examples to better explain the various concepts.



  {% for x in mymembers %}

    <li>{{ x.firstname }}</li>

  {% endfor %}


Django Home

What is Django?

Django is a Python framework that makes it easier to create web sites using Python.

Django takes care of the difficult stuff so that you can concentrate on building your web applications.

Django emphasizes reusability of components, also referred to as DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself), and comes with ready-to-use features like login system, database connection and CRUD operations (Create Read Update Delete).

Django is especially helpful for database driven websites.

How does Django Work?

Django follows the MVT design pattern (Model View Template).

  • Model - The data you want to present, usually data from a database.
  • View - A request handler that returns the relevant template and content - based on the request from the user.
  • Template - A text file (like an HTML file) containing the layout of the web page, with logic on how to display the data.


The model provides data from the database.

In Django, the data is delivered as an Object Relational Mapping (ORM), which is a technique designed to make it easier to work with databases.

The most common way to extract data from a database is SQL. One problem with SQL is that you have to have a pretty good understanding of the database structure to be able to work with it.

Django, with ORM, makes it easier to communicate with the database, without having to write complex SQL statements.

The models are usually located in a file called


A view is a function or method that takes http requests as arguments, imports the relevant model(s), and finds out what data to send to the template, and returns the final result.

The views are usually located in a file called


A template is a file where you describe how the result should be represented.

Templates are often .html files, with HTML code describing the layout of a web page, but it can also be in other file formats to present other results, but we will concentrate on .html files.

Django uses standard HTML to describe the layout, but uses Django tags to add logic:


My Homepage

My name is {{ firstname }}.

The templates of an application is located in a folder named templates.


Django also provides a way to navigate around the different pages in a website.

When a user requests a URL, Django decides which view it will send it to.

This is done in a file called

So, What is Going On?

When you have installed Django and created your first Django web application, and the browser requests the URL, this is basically what happens:

  1. Django receives the URL, checks the file, and calls the view that matches the URL.
  2. The view, located in, checks for relevant models.
  3. The models are imported from the file.
  4. The view then sends the data to a specified template in the template folder.
  5. The template contains HTML and Django tags, and with the data it returns finished HTML content back to the browser.

Django can do a lot more than this, but this is basically what you will learn in this tutorial, and are the basic steps in a simple web application made with Django.

Django History

Django was invented by Lawrence Journal-World in 2003, to meet the short deadlines in the newspaper and at the same time meeting the demands of experienced web developers.

Initial release to the public was in July 2005.

Latest version of Django is 4.0.3 (March 2022).

Django Intro

To install Django, you must have installed, and a package manager like .

PIP is included in Python from version 3.4.

Django Requires Python

To check if your system has Python installed, run this command in the command prompt:

python --version

If Python is installed, you will get a result with the version number, like this

Python 3.9.2

If you find that you do not have Python installed on your computer, then you can download it for free from the following website:


To install Django, you must use a package manager like PIP, which is included in Python from version 3.4.

To check if your system has PIP installed, run this command in the command prompt:

pip --version

If PIP is installed, you will get a result with the version number.

For me, on a windows machine, the result looks like this:

pip 20.2.3 from c:python39libsite-packagespip (python 3.9)

If you do not have PIP installed, you can download and install it from this page:

Virtual Environment

It is suggested to have a dedicated virtual environment for each Django project, and in the you will learn how to create a virtual environment, and then install Django in it.

Django Get Started

Virtual Environment

It is suggested to have a dedicated virtual environment for each Django project, and one way to manage a virtual environment is , which is included in Python.

The name of the virtual environment is your choice, in this tutorial we will call it myworld.

Type the following in the command prompt, remember to navigate to where you want to create your project:


py -m venv myworld


python -m venv myworld

This will set up a virtual environment, and create a folder named "myworld" with subfolders and files, like this:


Then you have to activate the environment, by typing this command:




source myworld/bin/activate

Once the environment is activated, you will see this result in the command prompt:


(myworld) C:UsersYour Name>


(myworld) ... $

Note: You must activate the virtual environment every time you open the command prompt to work on your project.

Install Django

In the you will finally learn how to install Django!

Create Virtual Environment

Install Django

Now, that we have created a virtual environment, we are ready to install Django.

Note: Remember to install Django while you are in the virtual environment!

Django is installed using pip, with this command:


(myworld) C:UsersYour Name>py -m pip install Django


(myworld) ... $ python -m pip install Django

Which will give a result that looks like this (at least on my Windows machine):

Collecting Django
  Downloading Django-4.0.3-py3-none-any.whl (8.0 MB)
      |████████████████████████████████| 8.0 MB 2.2 MB/s
Collecting sqlparse>=0.2.2
  Using cached sqlparse-0.4.2-py3-none-any.whl (42 kB)
Collecting asgiref<4,>=3.4.1
  Downloading asgiref-3.5.0-py3-none-any.whl (22 kB)
Collecting tzdata; sys_platform == "win32"
  Downloading tzdata-2021.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl (339 kB)
      |████████████████████████████████| 339 kB 6.4 MB/s
Installing collected packages: sqlparse, asgiref, tzdata, Django
Successfully installed Django-4.0.3 asgiref-3.5.0 sqlparse-0.4.2 tzdata-2021.5
WARNING: You are using pip version 20.2.3; however, version 22.3 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'C:UsersYour NamemyworldScriptspython.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.

That's it! Now you have installed Django in your new project, running in a virtual environment!

Windows, Mac, or Unix?

You can run this project on either one. There are some small differences, like when writing commands in the command prompt, Windows uses py as the first word in the command line, while Unix and MacOS use python:


py --version


python --version

In the rest of this tutorial, we will be using the Windows command.

Check Django Version

You can check if Django is installed by asking for its version number like this:

(myworld) C:UsersYour Name>django-admin --version

If Django is installed, you will get a result with the version number:


What's Next?

Now you are ready to create a Django project in a virtual environment on your computer.

In the next chapters of this tutorial we will create a Django project and look at the various features of Django and hopefully make you a Django developer.

Install Django

My First Project

Once you have come up with a suitable name for your Django project, like mine: my_tennis_club, navigate to where in the file system you want to store the code (in the virtual environment), I will navigate to the myworld folder, and run this command in the command prompt:

django-admin startproject my_tennis_club

Django creates a my_tennis_club folder on my computer, with this content:


These are all files and folders with a specific meaning, you will learn about some of them later in this tutorial, but for now, it is more important to know that this is the location of your project, and that you can start building applications in it.

Run the Django Project

Now that you have a Django project, you can run it, and see what it looks like in a browser.

Navigate to the /my_tennis_club folder and execute this command in the command prompt:

py runserver

Which will produce this result:

Watching for file changes with StatReloader
Performing system checks...

System check identified no issues (0 silenced).

You have 18 unapplied migration(s). Your project may not work properly until you apply the migrations for app(s): admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions.
Run 'python migrate' to apply them.
October 27, 2022 - 13:03:14
Django version 4.1.2, using settings 'my_tennis_club.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK.

Open a new browser window and type in the address bar.

What's Next?

We have a Django project!

The next step is to make an app in your project.

You cannot have a web page created with Django without an app.

Django Create Project

What is an App?

An app is a web application that has a specific meaning in your project, like a home page, a contact form, or a members database.

In this tutorial we will create an app that allows us to list and register members in a database.

But first, let's just create a simple Django app that displays "Hello World!".

Create App

I will name my app members.

Start by navigating to the selected location where you want to store the app, in my case the my_tennis_club folder, and run the command below.

If the server is still running, and you are not able to write commands, press [CTRL] [BREAK], or [CTRL] [C] to stop the server and you should be back in the virtual environment.

py startapp members

Django creates a folder named members in my project, with this content:


These are all files and folders with a specific meaning. You will learn about most of them later in this tutorial.

First, take a look at the file called

This is where we gather the information we need to send back a proper response.

You will learn more about views in the .

Django Create App


Django views are Python functions that takes http requests and returns http response, like HTML documents.

A web page that uses Django is full of views with different tasks and missions.

Views are usually put in a file called located on your app's folder.

There is a in your members folder that looks like this:


from django.shortcuts import render


# Create your views here.

Find it and open it, and replace the content with this:


from django.shortcuts import render

from django.http import HttpResponse


def members(request):

    return HttpResponse("Hello world!")

Note: The name of the view does not have to be the same as the application.

I call it members because I think it fits well in this context.

This is a simple example on how to send a response back to the browser.

But how can we execute the view? Well, we must call the view via a URL.

You will learn about URLs in the next chapter.


Django Views


Create a file named in the same folder as the file, and type this code in it:


from django.urls import path

from . import views


urlpatterns = [

    path('members/', views.members, name='members'),


The file you just created is specific for the members application. We have to do some routing in the root directory my_tennis_club as well. This may seem complicated, but for now, just follow the instructions below.

There is a file called on the my_tennis_club folder, open that file and add the include module in the import statement, and also add a path() function in the urlpatterns[] list, with arguments that will route users that comes in via

Then your file will look like this:


from django.contrib import admin

from django.urls import include, path


urlpatterns = [

    path('', include('members.urls')),



If the server is not running, navigate to the /my_tennis_club folder and execute this command in the command prompt:

py runserver

In the browser window, type in the address bar.

Django URLs


In the Django Intro page, we learned that the result should be in HTML, and it should be created in a template, so let's do that.

Create a templates folder inside the members folder, and create a HTML file named myfirst.html.

The file structure should be like this:


Open the HTML file and insert the following:


<!DOCTYPE html>




<h1>Hello World!</h1>

<p>Welcome to my first Django project!</p>




Modify the View

Open the file and replace the members view with this:


from django.http import HttpResponse

from django.template import loader


def members(request):

  template = loader.get_template('myfirst.html')

  return HttpResponse(template.render())

Change Settings

To be able to work with more complicated stuff than "Hello World!", We have to tell Django that a new app is created.

This is done in the file in the my_tennis_club folder.

Look up the INSTALLED_APPS[] list and add the members app like this:












Then run this command:

py migrate

Which will produce this output:

Operations to perform:
  Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions
Running migrations:
  Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
  Applying auth.0001_initial... OK
  Applying admin.0001_initial... OK
  Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... OK
  Applying admin.0003_logentry_add_action_flag_choices... OK
  Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name... OK
  Applying auth.0002_alter_permission_name_max_length... OK
  Applying auth.0003_alter_user_email_max_length... OK
  Applying auth.0004_alter_user_username_opts... OK
  Applying auth.0005_alter_user_last_login_null... OK
  Applying auth.0006_require_contenttypes_0002... OK
  Applying auth.0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages... OK
  Applying auth.0008_alter_user_username_max_length... OK
  Applying auth.0009_alter_user_last_name_max_length... OK
  Applying auth.0010_alter_group_name_max_length... OK
  Applying auth.0011_update_proxy_permissions... OK
  Applying auth.0012_alter_user_first_name_max_length... OK
  Applying sessions.0001_initial... OK

(myworld) C:UsersYour Namemyworldmy_tennis_club>

Start the server by navigating to the /my_tennis_club folder and execute this command:

py runserver

In the browser window, type in the address bar.

The result should look like this:

Django Templates


In the Django Intro page, we learned that the result should be in HTML, and it should be created in a template, so let's do that.

Create a templates folder inside the members folder, and create a HTML file named myfirst.html.

The file structure should be like this:


Open the HTML file and insert the following:


<!DOCTYPE html>




<h1>Hello World!</h1>

<p>Welcome to my first Django project!</p>




Modify the View

Open the file and replace the members view with this:


from django.http import HttpResponse

from django.template import loader


def members(request):

  template = loader.get_template('myfirst.html')

  return HttpResponse(template.render())

Change Settings

To be able to work with more complicated stuff than "Hello World!", We have to tell Django that a new app is created.

This is done in the file in the my_tennis_club folder.

Look up the INSTALLED_APPS[] list and add the members app like this:












Then run this command:

py migrate

Which will produce this output:

Operations to perform:
  Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions
Running migrations:
  Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
  Applying auth.0001_initial... OK
  Applying admin.0001_initial... OK
  Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... OK
  Applying admin.0003_logentry_add_action_flag_choices... OK
  Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name... OK
  Applying auth.0002_alter_permission_name_max_length... OK
  Applying auth.0003_alter_user_email_max_length... OK
  Applying auth.0004_alter_user_username_opts... OK
  Applying auth.0005_alter_user_last_login_null... OK
  Applying auth.0006_require_contenttypes_0002... OK
  Applying auth.0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages... OK
  Applying auth.0008_alter_user_username_max_length... OK
  Applying auth.0009_alter_user_last_name_max_length... OK
  Applying auth.0010_alter_group_name_max_length... OK
  Applying auth.0011_update_proxy_permissions... OK
  Applying auth.0012_alter_user_first_name_max_length... OK
  Applying sessions.0001_initial... OK

(myworld) C:UsersYour Namemyworldmy_tennis_club>

Start the server by navigating to the /my_tennis_club folder and execute this command:

py runserver

In the browser window, type in the address bar.

The result should look like this:

Django Models

A Django model is a table in your database.

Django Models

Up until now in this tutorial, output has been static data from Python or HTML templates.

Now we will see how Django allows us to work with data, without having to change or upload files in the prosess.

In Django, data is created in objects, called Models, and is actually tables in a database.

Create Table (Model)

To create a model, navigate to the file in the /members/ folder.

Open it, and add a Member table by creating a Member class, and describe the table fields in it:


from django.db import models


class Member(models.Model):

  firstname = models.CharField(max_length=255)

  lastname = models.CharField(max_length=255)

The first field, firstname, is a Text field, and will contain the first name of the members.

The second field, lastname, is also a Text field, with the member's last name.

Both firstname and lastname is set up to have a maximum of 255 characters.

SQLite Database

When we created the Django project, we got an empty SQLite database.

It was created in the my_tennis_club root folder, and has the filename db.sqlite3.

By default, all Models created in the Django project will be created as tables in this database.


Now when we have described a Model in the file, we must run a command to actually create the table in the database.

Navigate to the /my_tennis_club/ folder and run this command:

py makemigrations members

Which will result in this output:

Migrations for 'members':
    - Create model Member

(myworld) C:UsersYour Namemyworldmy_tennis_club>

Django creates a file describing the changes and stores the file in the /migrations/ folder:


# Generated by Django 4.1.2 on 2022-10-27 11:14


from django.db import migrations, models



class Migration(migrations.Migration):


    initial = True


    dependencies = [



    operations = [




                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),

                ('firstname', models.CharField(max_length=255)),

                ('lastname', models.CharField(max_length=255)),




Note that Django inserts an id field for your tables, which is an auto increment number Django Insert Data


Update Records

To update records that are already in the database, we first have to get the record we want to update:

>>> from members.models import Member
>>> x = Member.objects.all()[4]

x will now represent the member at index 4, which is "Stale Refsnes", but to make sure, let us see if that is correct:

>>> x.firstname

This should give you this result:


Now we can change the values of this record:

>>> x.firstname = "Stalikken"

Execute this command to see if the Member table got updated:

>>> Member.objects.all().values()

Hopefully, the result will look like this:

{'id': 2, 'firstname': 'Tobias', 'lastname': 'Refsnes'},
{'id': 3, 'firstname': 'Linus', 'lastname': 'Refsnes'},
{'id': 4, 'firstname': 'Lene', 'lastname': 'Refsnes'},
{'id': 5, 'firstname': 'Stalikken', 'lastname': 'Refsnes'},
{'id': 6, 'firstname': 'Jane', 'lastname': 'Doe'}]>

Django Update Data

Delete Records

To delete a record in a table, start by getting the record you want to delete:

>>> from members.models import Member
>>> x = Member.objects.all()[5]

x will now represent the member at index 5, which is "Jane Doe", but to make sure, let us see if that is correct:

>>> x.firstname

This should give you this result:


Now we can delete the record:

>>> x.delete()

The result will be:

(1, {'members.Member': 1})

Which tells us how many items were deleted, and from which Model.

If we look at the Member Model, we can see that 'Jane Doe' is removed from the Model:

>>> Member.objects.all().values()
{'id': 2, 'firstname': 'Tobias', 'lastname': 'Refsnes'},
{'id': 3, 'firstname': 'Linus', 'lastname': 'Refsnes'},
{'id': 4, 'firstname': 'Lene', 'lastname': 'Refsnes'},
{'id': 5, 'firstname': 'Stalikken', 'lastname': 'Refsnes'}]>

Django Delete Data

Add Fields in the Model

To add a field to a table after it is created, open the file, and make your changes:


from django.db import models

class Member(models.Model):
  firstname = models.CharField(max_length=255)
  lastname = models.CharField(max_length=255)
  phone = models.IntegerField()
  joined_date = models.DateField()

As you can see, we want to add phone and joined_date to our Member Model.

This is a change in the Model's structure, and therefor we have to make a migration to tell Django that it has to update the database:

py makemigrations members

Which, in my case, will result in a prompt, because I try to add fields that are not allowed to be null, to a table that already contains records.

As you can see, Django asks if I want to provide the fields with a specific value, or if I want to stop the migration and fix it in the model:

py makemigrations members
You are trying to add a non-nullable field 'joined_date' to members without a default; we can't do that (the database needs something to populate existing rows).
Please select a fix:
 1) Provide a one-off default now (will be set on all existing rows with a null value for this column)
 2) Quit, and let me add a default in
Select an option:

I will select option 2, and open the file again and allow NULL values for the two new fields:


from django.db import models

class Member(models.Model):
  firstname = models.CharField(max_length=255)
  lastname = models.CharField(max_length=255)
  phone = models.IntegerField(null=True)
  joined_date = models.DateField(null=True)

And make the migration once again:

py makemigrations members

Which will result in this:

Migrations for 'members':
    - Add field joined_date to member
    - Add field phone to member

Run the migrate command:

py migrate

Which will result in this output:

Operations to perform:
  Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, members, sessions
Running migrations:
  Applying members.0002_member_joined_date_member_phone... OK

(myworld) C:UsersYour Namemyworldmy_tennis_club>

Insert Data

We can insert data to the two new fields with the same approach as we did in the :

First we enter the Python Shell:

py shell

Now we are in the shell, the result should be something like this:

Python 3.9.2 (tags/v3.9.2:1a79785, Feb 19 2021, 13:44:55) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

At the bottom, after the three >>> write the following (and hit [enter] for each line):

>>> from members.models import Member
>>> x = Member.objects.all()[0]
>>> = 5551234
>>> x.joined_date = '2022-01-05'

This will insert a phone number and a date in the Member Model, at least for the first record, the four remaining records will for now be left empty. We will deal with them later in the tutorial.

Execute this command to see if the Member table got updated:

>>> Member.objects.all().values()

The result should look like this:

{'id': 1, 'firstname': 'Emil', 'lastname': 'Refsnes', 'phone': 5551234, 'joined_date':, 1, 5)},
{'id': 2, 'firstname': 'Tobias', 'lastname': 'Refsnes', 'phone': None, 'joined_date': None},
{'id': 3, 'firstname': 'Linus', 'lastname': 'Refsnes', 'phone': None, 'joined_date': None},
{'id': 4, 'firstname': 'Lene', 'lastname': 'Refsnes', 'phone': None, 'joined_date': None},
{'id': 5, 'firstname': 'Stalikken', 'lastname': 'Refsnes', 'phone': None, 'joined_date': None}]>

Django Update Model

Create Template

After creating Models, with the fields and data we want in them, it is time to display the data in a web page.

Start by creating an HTML file named all_members.html and place it in the /templates/ folder:


<!DOCTYPE html>







  {% for x in mymembers %}

    <li>{{ x.firstname }} {{ x.lastname }}</li>

  {% endfor %}





Do you see the {% %} brackets inside the HTML document?

They are Django Tags, telling Django to perform some programming logic inside these brackets.

You will learn more about Django Tags in our Django Tags chapter.

Modify View

Next we need to make the model data available in the template. This is done in the view.

In the view we have to import the Member model, and send it to the template like this:


from django.http import HttpResponse

from django.template import loader

from .models import Member


def members(request):

  mymembers = Member.objects.all().values()

  template = loader.get_template('all_members.html')

  context = {

    'mymembers': mymembers,


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))

The members view does the following:

  • Creates a mymembers object with all the values of the Member model.
  • Loads the all_members.html template.
  • Creates an object containing the mymembers object.
  • Sends the object to the template.
  • Outputs the HTML that is rendered by the template.

The Result

We have created an example so that you can see the result:

If you have followed all the steps on your own computer, you can see the result in your own browser:

Start the server by navigating to the /my_tennis_club/ folder and execute this command:

py runserver

In the browser window, type in the address bar.


Prepare Template and View

Details Template

The next step in our web page will be to add a Details page, where we can list more details about a specific member.

Start by creating a new template called details.html:


{{ mymember.firstname }} {{ mymember.lastname }}

Phone: {{ }}

Member since: {{ mymember.joined_date }}

Back to Members

Add Link in all-members Template

The list in all_members.html should be clickable, and take you to the details page with the ID of the member you clicked on:



Create new View

Then create a new view in the file, that will deal with incoming requests to the /details/ url:


from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.template import loader
from .models import Member

def members(request):
  mymembers = Member.objects.all().values()
  template = loader.get_template('all_members.html')
  context = {
    'mymembers': mymembers,
  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))
def details(request, id):
  mymember = Member.objects.get(id=id)
  template = loader.get_template('details.html')
  context = {
    'mymember': mymember,
  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))

The details view does the following:

  • Gets the id as an argument.
  • Uses the id to locate the correct record in the Member table.
  • loads the details.html template.
  • Creates an object containing the member.
  • Sends the object to the template.
  • Outputs the HTML that is rendered by the template.

Add URLs

Now we need to make sure that the /details/ url points to the correct view, with id as a parameter.

Open the file and add the details view to the urlpatterns list:


from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('members/', views.members, name='members'),
    path('members/details/', views.details, name='details'),

If you have followed all the steps on your own computer, you can see the result in your own browser: .

If the server is down, you have to start it again with the runserver command:

py runserver

Add Link to Details

The extends Tag

In the previous pages we created two templates, one for listing all members, and one for details about a member.

The templates have a set of HTML code that are the same for both templates.

Django provides a way of making a "parent template" that you can include in all pages to do the stuff that is the same in all pages.

Start by creating a template called master.html, with all the necessary HTML elements:

MasterGet your own Django Server


<!DOCTYPE html>



  <title>{% block title %}{% endblock %}</title>




{% block content %}

{% endblock %}




Do you see Django block Tag inside the <title> element, and the <body> element?

They are placeholders, telling Django to replace this block with content from other sources.

Modify Templates

Now the two templates (all_members.html and details.html) can use this master.html template.

This is done by including the master template with the {% extends %} tag, and inserting a title block and a content block:



{% extends "master.html" %}


{% block title %}

  My Tennis Club - List of all members

{% endblock %}



{% block content %}




    {% for x in mymembers %}

      <li><a href="details/{{ }}">{{ x.firstname }} {{ x.lastname }}</a></li>

    {% endfor %}


{% endblock %}



{% extends "master.html" %}


{% block title %}

  Details about {{ mymember.f

Add Master Template

Main Index Page

Our project needs a main page.

The main page will be the landing page when someone visits the root folder of the project.

Now, you get an error when visiting the root folder of your project:

Start by creating a template called main.html:

MainGet your own Django Server


{% extends "master.html" %}


{% block title %}

  My Tennis Club

{% endblock %} 

{% block content %}

  <h1>My Tennis Club</h1>




  <p>Check out all our <a href="members/">members</a></p>


{% endblock %}

Create new View

Then create a new view called main, that will deal with incoming requests to root of the project:


from django.http import HttpResponse

from django.template import loader

from .models import Member


def members(request):

  mymembers = Member.objects.all().values()

  template = loader.get_template('all_members.html')

  context = {

    'mymembers': mymembers,


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))


def details(request, id):

  mymember = Member.objects.get(id=id)

  template = loader.get_template('details.html')

  context = {

    'mymember': mymember,


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))


def main( Add Main Index Page

Page Not Found

If you try to access a page that does not exist (a 404 error), Django directs you to a built-in view that handles 404 errors.

You will learn how to customize this 404 view later in this chapter, but first, just try to request a page that does not exist.

In the browser window, type in the address bar.

You will get one of two results:




If you got the first result, you got directed to the built-in Django 404 template.

If you got the second result, then DEBUG is set to True in your settings, and you must set it to False to get directed to the 404 template.

This is done in the file, which is located in the project folder, in our case the my_tennis_club folder, where you also have to specify the host name from where your project runs from:

ExampleGet your own Django Server

Set the debug property to False, and allow the project to run from your local host:




# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!

DEBUG = False





Important: When DEBUG = False, Django requires you to specify the hosts you will allow this Django project to run from.

In production, this should be replaced with a proper domain name:


In the browser window, type in the address bar, and you will get the built-in 404 template:

Customize the 404 Template

Django will look for a file named 404.html in the templates folder, and display it when there is a 404 error.

If no such file exists, Django shows the "Not Found" that you saw in the example above.

To customize this message, all you have to do is to create a file in the templates folder and name it 404.html, and fill it with whatever you want:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Wrong address</title>


<h2>I cannot find the file you requested!</h2>


In the browser window, type in the address bar, and you will get the customized 404 template:

Django 404 Template

Test View

When testing different aspects of Django, it can be a good idea to have somewhere to test code without destroying the main project.

This is optional off course, but if you like to follow all steps in this tutorial, you should add a test view that is exactly like the one we create below.

Then you can follow the examples and try them out on your own computer.

Add View

Start by adding a view called "testing" in the file:


from django.http import HttpResponse

from django.template import loader

from .models import Member


def members(request):

  mymembers = Member.objects.all().values()

  template = loader.get_template('all_members.html')

  context = {

    'mymembers': mymembers,


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))


def details(request, id):

  mymember = Member.objects.get(id=id)

  template = loader.get_template('details.html')

  context = {

    'mymember': mymember,


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))


def main(request):

  template = loader.get_template('main.html')

  return HttpResponse(template.render())


def testing(request):

  template = loader.get_template('template.html')

  context = {

    'fruits': ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Cherry'],  


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request)) 


We have to make sure that incoming urls to /testing/ will be redirected to the testing view.

This is done in the file in the members folder:


from django. Add Test View

Django Admin

Django Admin is a really great tool in Django, it is actually a CRUD* user interface of all your models!

*CRUD stands for Create Read Update Delete.

It is free and comes ready-to-use with Django:


Getting Started

To enter the admin user interface, start the server by navigating to the /myworld folder and execute this command:

py runserver

In the browser window, type in the address bar.

The result should look like this:

The reason why this URL goes to the Django admin log in page can be found in the file of your project:


from django.contrib import admin

from django.urls import include, path


urlpatterns = [

    path('', include('members.urls')),




The urlpatterns[] list takes requests going to admin/ and sends them to, which is part of a built-in application that comes with Django, and contains a lot of functionality and user interfaces, one of them being the log-in user interface.

Django Admin

Create User

To be able to log into the admin application, we need to create a user.

This is done by typing this command in the command view:

py createsuperuser

Which will give this prompt:


Here you must enter: username, e-mail address, (you can just pick a fake e-mail address), and password:

Username: johndoe
Email address: [email protected]
Password (again):
This password is too short. It must contain at least 8 characters.
This password is too common.
This password is entirely numeric.
Bypass password validation and create user anyway? [y/N]:

My password did not meet the criteria, but this is a test environment, and I choose to create user anyway, by enter y:

Bypass password validation and create user anyway? [y/N]: y

If you press [Enter], you should have successfully created a user:

Superuser created successfully.

Now start the server again:

py runserver

In the browser window, type in the address bar.

And fill in the form with the correct username and password:

Which should result in this user interface:

Here you can create, read, update, and delete groups and users, but where is the Members model?

Missing Model

The Members model is missing, as it should be, you have to tell Django which models that should be visible in the admin interface.

You will learn how to include the Members model in the next chapter.


Create User

Include Member in the Admin Interface

To include the Member model in the admin interface, we have to tell Django that this model should be visible in the admin interface.

This is done in a file called, and is located in your app's folder, which in our case is the members folder.

Open it, and it should look like this:


from django.contrib import admin


# Register your models here.

Insert a couple of lines here to make the Member model visible in the admin page:


from django.contrib import admin

from .models import Member


# Register your models here.

Now go back to the browser and you should get this result:

Click Members and see the five records we inserted earlier in this tutorial:

Change Display

In the list in the screenshot above, we see "Member object (1)", "Member object (2)" etc. which might not be the data you wanted to be displayed in the list.

It would be better to display "firstname" and "lastname" instead.

This can easily be done by changing some settings in the and/or the files. You will learn more about this in the next chapter.


Include Models

Make the List Display More Reader-Friendly

When you display a Model as a list, Django displays each record as the string representation of the record object, which in our case is "Member object (1)", "Member object(2)" etc.:


To change this to a more reader-friendly format, we have two choices:

  1. Change the string representation function, __str__() of the Member Model
  2. Set the list_details property of the Member Model

Change the String Representation Function

To change the string representation, we have to define the __str__() function of the Member Model in, like this:


from django.db import models


class Member(models.Model):

  firstname = models.CharField(max_length=255)

  lastname = models.CharField(max_length=255)

  phone = models.IntegerField(null=True)

  joined_date = models.DateField(null=True)


  def __str__(self):

    return f"{self.firstname} {self.lastname}"



Which gives us this result:

Defining our own __str__() function is not a Django feature, it is how to change the string representation of objects in Python. Read more about Python objects in our Python object tutorial.

Set list_display

We can control the fields to display by specifying them in in a list_display property in the file.

First create a MemberAdmin() class and specify the list_display tuple, like this:


from django.contrib import admin

from .models import Member


# Register your models here.


class MemberAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

  list_display = ("firstname", "lastname", "joined_date",), MemberAdmin)


Remember to add the MemberAdmin as an argumet in the, MemberAdmin).

Now go back to the browser and you should get this result:

Set List Display

Update Members

Now we are able to create, update, and delete members in our database, and we start by giving them all a date for when they became members.

Click the first member, Stalikken, to open the record for editing, and give him a joined_date:

While we are in here, let us give him a phone number as well:

Click "SAVE" and go back to the list of all members:

Repeat these steps and give all members a date and a phone number, and end up with a list like this:

Update Members

Add Members

To add a new member, click on the "ADD MEMBERS" button in the top right corner:


You will get an empty form where you can fill in the members fields:

Fill in the fields and click "SAVE":

Now the Members Model have 6 members:

Add Members

Delete Members

To delete a new member, you can either select a member and choose the action "Delete selected members" like this:


Or you can open a member for editing, and click the red DELETE button at the bottom, like this:

Delete Members

Template Variables

In Django templates, you can render variables by putting them inside {{ }} brackets:



<h1>Hello {{ firstname }}, how are you?</h1>

Create Variable in View

The variable firstname in the example above was sent to the template via a view:

from django.http import HttpResponse

from django.template import loader


def testing(request):

  template = loader.get_template('template.html')

  context = {

    'firstname': 'Linus',


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))

As you can see in the view above, we create an object named context and fill it with data, and send it as the first parameter in the template.render() function.

Create Variables in Template

You can also create variables directly in the template, by using the {% with %} template tag.

The variable is available until the {% endwith %} tag appears:



{% with firstname="Tobias" %}

<h1>Hello {{ firstname }}, how are you?</h1>

{% endwith %}

You will learn more about template tags in the next chapter.

Data From a Model

The example above showed a easy approach on how to create and use variables in a template.

Normally, most of the external data you want to use in a template, comes from a model.

We have created a model in the previous chapters, called Member, which we will use in many examples in the next chapters of this tutorial.

To get data from the Member model, we will have to import it in the file, and extract data from it in the view:


from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect

from django.template import loader

from .models import Member


def testing(request):

  mymembers = Member.objects.all().values()

  template = loader.get_template('template.html')

  context = {

    'mymembers': mymembers,


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))

Now we can use the data in the template:



  {% for x Django Variables

If Statement

An if statement evaluates a variable and executes a block of code if the value is true.


{% if greeting == 1 %}


{% endif %} 


The elif keyword says "if the previous conditions were not true, then try this condition".


{% if greeting == 1 %}


{% elif greeting == 2 %}


{% endif %} 


The else keyword catches anything which isn't caught by the preceding conditions.


{% if greeting == 1 %}


{% elif greeting == 2 %}


{% else %}


{% endif %} 


The above examples uses the == operator, which is used to check if a variable is equal to a value, but there are many other operators you can use, or you can even drop the operator if you just want to check if a variable is not empty:


{% if greeting %}


{% endif %} 


Is equal to.


{% if greeting == 2 %}


{% endif %} 


Is not equal to.


{% if greeting != 1 %}


{% endif %} Django Tags

If Statement

An if statement evaluates a variable and executes a block of code if the value is true.


 {% if greeting == 1 %}


{% endif %} 


The elif keyword says "if the previous conditions were not true, then try this condition".


{% if greeting == 1 %}


{% elif greeting == 2 %}


{% endif %} 


The else keyword catches anything which isn't caught by the preceding conditions.


{% if greeting == 1 %}


{% elif greeting == 2 %}


{% else %}


{% endif %} 


The above examples uses the == operator, which is used to check if a variable is equal to a value, but there are many other operators you can use, or you can even drop the operator if you just want to check if a variable is not empty:


{% if greeting %}


{% endif %} 


Is equal to.


{% if greeting == 2 %}


{% endif %} 


Is not equal to.


{% if greeting != 1 %}


{% endif %} 


Django If Else

For Loops

for loop is used for iterating over a sequence, like looping over items in an array, a list, or a dictionary.


Loop through the items of a list:

{% for x in fruits %}

  <h1>{{ x }}</h1>

{% endfor %}


Loop through a list of dictionaries:

{% for x in cars %}

  <h1>{{ x.brand }}</h1>

  <p>{{ x.model }}</p>

  <p>{{ x.year }}</p>

{% endfor %} 

Data From a Model

Data in a model is like a table with rows and columns.

The Member model we created earlier has five rows, and each row has three columns:































When we fetch data from the model, it comes as a QuerySet object, with a similar format as the cars example above: a list with dictionaries:

<QuerySet [


    'id': 1,

    'firstname': 'Emil',

    'lastname': 'Refsnes',

    'phone': 5551234,

    'joined_date':, 1, 5)



    'id': 2,

    'firstname': 'Tobias',

    'lastname': 'Refsnes'

    'phone': 5557777,

    'joined_date':, 4, 1 Django For Loop


Comments allows you to have sections of code that should be ignored.


<h1>Welcome Everyone</h1>

{% comment %}

  <h1>Welcome ladies and gentlemen</h1>

{% endcomment %}

Comment Description

You can add a message to your comment, to help you remember why you wrote the comment, or as message to other people reading the code.


Add a description to your comment:

<h1>Welcome Everyone</h1>

{% comment "this was the original welcome message" %}

    <h1>Welcome ladies and gentlemen</h1>

{% endcomment %}

Smaller Comments

You can also use the {# ... #} tags when commenting out code, which can be easier for smaller comments:


Comment out the word Everyone:

<h1>Welcome{# Everyone#}</h1>

Comment in Views

Views are written in Python, and Python comments are written with the # character:


Comment out a section in the view:

from django.http import HttpResponse

from django.template import loader


def testing(request):

  template = loader.get_template('template.html')

  #context = {

  # 'var1': 'John',


  return HttpResponse(template.render())

Read more about Python Comments in out Python Comment Tutorial.


Django Comment


The include tag allows you to include a template inside the current template.

This is useful when you have a block of content that is the same for many pages.



<p>You have reached the bottom of this page, thank you for your time.</p>




<p>This page contains a footer in a template.</p>


{% include 'footer.html' %} 

Variables in Include

You can send variables into the template by using the with keyword.

In the include file, you refer to the variables by using the {{ variablename }} syntax:



<div>HOME | {{ me }} | ABOUT | FORUM | {{ sponsor }}</div>


<!DOCTYPE html>



{% include "mymenu.html" with me="TOBIAS" sponsor="W3SCHOOLS" %}


<p>This is my webpage</p> 



Django Include

Django QuerySet

A QuerySet is a collection of data from a database.

A QuerySet is built up as a list of objects.

QuerySets makes it easier to get the data you actually need, by allowing you to filter and order the data at an early stage.

In this tutorial we will be querying data from the Member table.

































Querying Data

In, we have a view for testing called testing where we will test different queries.

In the example below we use the .all() method to get all the records and fields of the Member model:


from django.http import HttpResponse

from django.template import loader

from .models import Member


def testing(request):

  mydata = Member.objects.all()

  template = loader.get_template('template.html')

  context = {

    'mymembers': mydata,


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))

The object is placed in a variable called mydata, and is sent to the template via the context object as mymembers, and looks like this:

<QuerySet [
  <Member: Member object (1)>,
  <Member: Member object (2)>,
  <Member: Member object (3)>,
  <Member: Member object (4)>,
  <Member: Member object (5)>

As you can see, our Member model contains 5 records, and are listed inside the QuerySet as 5 objects.

In the template you can use the mymembers object to generate content:



<table border='1'>






  {% for x in mymembers %}


      <td>{{ }}</td>

        <td>{{ x.firstname QuerySet Introduction

Get Data

There are different methods to get data from a model into a QuerySet.

The values() Method

The values() method allows you to return each object as a Python dictionary, with the names and values as key/value pairs:


from django.http import HttpResponse

from django.template import loader

from .models import Member


def testing(request):

  mydata = Member.objects.all().values()

  template = loader.get_template('template.html')

  context = {

    'mymembers': mydata,


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))

Return Specific Columns

The values_list() method allows you to return only the columns that you specify.


Return only the firstname columns:

from django.http import HttpResponse

from django.template import loader

from .models import Member


def testing(request):

  mydata = Member.objects.values_list('firstname')

  template = loader.get_template('template.html')

  context = {

    'mymembers': mydata,


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))

Return Specific Rows

You can filter the search to only return specific rows/records, by using the filter() method.


Return only the records where firstname is 'Emil'

from django.http import HttpResponse

from django.template import loader

from .models import Member


def testing(request):

  mydata = Member.objects.filter(firstname='Emil').values()

  template = loader.get_template('template.html')

  context = {

QuerySet Get

QuerySet Filter

The filter() method is used to filter your search, and allows you to return only the rows that matches the search term.

As we learned in the previous chapter, we can filter on field names like this:


Return only the records where the firstname is 'Emil':

mydata = Member.objects.filter(firstname='Emil').values()

In SQL, the above statement would be written like this:

SELECT * FROM members WHERE firstname = 'Emil';


The filter() method takes the arguments as **kwargs (keyword arguments), so you can filter on more than one field by separating them by a comma.


Return records where lastname is "Refsnes" and id is 2:

mydata = Member.objects.filter(lastname='Refsnes', id=2).values()

In SQL, the above statement would be written like this:

SELECT * FROM members WHERE lastname = 'Refsnes' AND id = 2;


To return records where firstname is Emil or firstname is Tobias (meaning: returning records that matches either query, not necessarily both) is not as easy as the AND example above.

We can use multiple filter() methods, separated by a pipe | character. The results will merge into one model.


Return records where firstname is either "Emil" or Tobias":

mydata = Member.objects.filter(firstname='Emil').values() | Member.objects.filter(firstname='Tobias').values()

Another common method is to import and use Q expressions:


Return records where firstname is either "Emil" or Tobias":

from django.http import HttpResponse

from django.template import loader

from .models import Member

from django.db.models import Q


def testing(request):

  mydata = Member.objects.filter(Q(firstname='Emil') | Q(firstname='Tobias')).values()

  template = loader.get_template('template.html')

  context = {

    'mymembers': mydata,


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))

In SQL, the above statement would be written like this:

SELECT * FROM members WHERE firstname = 'Emil' OR firstname = 'Tobias';

Field Lookup

QuerySet Filter

Order By

To sort QuerySets, Django uses the order_by() method:


Order the result alphabetically by firstname:

mydata = Member.objects.all().order_by('firstname').values()

In SQL, the above statement would be written like this:

SELECT * FROM members ORDER BY firstname;

Descending Order

By default, the result is sorted ascending (the lowest value first), to change the direction to descending (the highest value first), use the minus sign (NOT), - in front of the field name:


Order the result firstname descending:

mydata = Member.objects.all().order_by('-firstname').values()

In SQL, the above statement would be written like this:

SELECT * FROM members ORDER BY firstname DESC;

Multiple Order Bys

To order by more than one field, separate the fieldnames with a comma in the order_by() method:


Order the result first by lastname ascending, then descending on id:

mydata = Member.objects.all().order_by('lastname', '-id').values()

In SQL, the above statement would be written like this:

SELECT * FROM members ORDER BY lastname ASC, id DESC;

QuerySet Order By

Create Static Folder

When building web applications, you probably want to add some static files like images or css files.

Start by creating a folder named static in your project, the same place where you created the templates folder:

The name of the folder has to be static.


Add a CSS file in the static folder, the name is your choice, we will call it myfirst.css in this example:


Open the CSS file and insert the following:


body {

  background-color: lightblue;

  font-family: verdana;


Modify the Template

Now you have a CSS file, with some CSS styling. The next step will be to include this file in a HTML template:

Open the HTML file and add the following:

{% load static %}


<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'myfirst.css' %}">



{% load static %}

<!DOCTYPE html>


<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'myfirst.css' %}">


{% for x in fruits %}

  <h1>{{ x }}</h1>

{% endfor %}



Restart the server for the changes to take effect:

py runserver

And check out the result in your own browser:

Didn't Work?

Just testing? If you just want to play around, and not going to deploy your work, you can set DEBUG = True in the file, and the example above will work.

Plan to deploy? If you plan to deploy your work, you should set DEBUG = False in the file. The example above will fail, because Django has no built-in solution for serving static files, but there are other ways to serve static files, you will learn how in the next chapter.

Example (in development):




# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!

DEBUG = True



This will make the example work, but we want you to choose DEBUG = False, because that is the best way to learn how to work with Django.

Choose Debug = False

For the rest of this tutorial, we will run with DEBUG = False, even in development, because that is the best way to learn how to work with Django.





# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!

DEBUG = False





When using DEBUG = False you have to specify which host name(s) are allowed to host your work. You could choose '' or 'localhost' Add Static Files



Django does not have a built-in solution for serving static files, at least not in production when DEBUG has to be False.

We have to use a third-party solution to accomplish this.

In this Tutorial we will use WhiteNoise, which is a Python library, built for serving static files.

Install WhiteNoise

To install WhiteNoise in your virtual environment, type the command below:

pip install whitenoise

The result should be something like this:

Collecting whitenoise
  Downloading whitenoise-6.2.0-py3-none-any.whl (19 kB)
Installing collected packages: whitenoise
Successfully installed whitenoise-6.2.0
WARNING: You are using pip version 20.2.3; however, version 22.3.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'c:usersYour Namemyworldscriptspython.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.

Modify Settings

To make Django aware of you wanting to run WhitNoise, you have to specify it in the MIDDLEWARE list in file:



Collect Static Files

There are one more action you have to perform before you can serve the static file from the example in the . You have to collect all static files and put them into one specified folder. You will learn how in the .

Install WhiteNoise

Handle Static Files

Static files in your project, like stylesheets, JavaScripts, and images, are not handled automatically by Django when DEBUG = False.

When DEBUG = True, this worked fine, all we had to do was to put them in the static folder of the application.

When DEBUG = False, static files have to be collected and put in a specified folder before we can use it.

Collect Static Files

To collect all necessary static files for your project, start by specifying a STATIC_ROOT property in the file.

This specifies a folder where you want to collect your static files.

You can call the folder whatever you like, we will call it productionfiles:



STATIC_ROOT = BASE_DIR / 'productionfiles'

STATIC_URL = 'static/'


You could manually create this folder and collect and put all static files of your project into this folder, but Django has a command that do this for you:

py collectstatic

Which will produce this result:

131 static files copied to 'C:Usersyour_namemyworldmy_tennis_clubproductionfiles'.

131 files? Why so many? Well this is because of the admin user interface, that comes built-in with Django. We want to keep this feature in production, and it comes with a whole bunch of files including stylesheets, fonts, images, and JavaScripts.


The Example Should Work

Now you have collected the static files of your project, and if you have , the example from the chapter will finally work.

Start the server and see the result:

py runserver

And check out the result in your own browser: .



{% load static %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'myfirst.css' %}">

{% for x in fruits %}
  <h1>{{ x }}</h1>
{% endfor %}



Collect Static Files

Add a Global CSS File

We have learned how to add a static file in the application's static folder, and how to use it in the application.

But what if other applications in your project wants to use the file?

Then we have to create a folder on the root directory and put the file(s) there.

It is not enough to create a static folder in the root directory, and Django will fix the rest. We have to tell Django where to look for these static files.

Start by creating a folder on the project's root level, this folder can be called whatever you like, I will call it mystaticfiles in this tutorial:


Add a CSS file in the mystaticfiles folder, the name is your choice, we will call it myglobal.css in this example:


Open the CSS file and insert the following:


body {

  color: violet;


Modify Settings

You will have to tell Django to also look for static files in the mystaticfiles folder in the root directory, this is done in the file:






STATIC_ROOT = BASE_DIR / 'productionfiles'


STATIC_URL = 'static/'


#Add this in your file:


    BASE_DIR / 'mystaticfiles'







In the STATICFILES_DIRS list, you can list all the directories where Django should look for static files.

The BASE_DIR keyword represents the root directory of the project, and together with the / "mystaticfiles", it means the mystaticfiles folder in the root directory.

Search Order

If you have files with the same name, Django will use the first occurrence of the file.

The search starts in the directories listed in STATICFILES_DIRS, using the order you have provided. Then, if the file is not found, the search continues in the static folder of each application.

Modify the Template

Now you have a global CSS file for the entire project, which can be accessed from all your applications.

To use it in a template, use the same syntax as you did for the myfirst.css file:

Begin the template with the following:

{% load static %}

And refer to the file like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'myglobal.css' %}">



{% load static %}

<!DOCTYPE html>


<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'myglobal.css' %}">



{% for x in fruits %}

  <h1>{{ x }}</h1>

{% endfor %}





Add Global Static Files

The Project - My Tennis Club

If you have followed the steps in the entire Django tutorial, you will have a my_tennis_club project on your computer, with 5 members:


We want to add a stylesheet to this project, and put it in the mystaticfiles folder:


The name of the CSS file is your choice, we call it mystyles.css in this project.

Open the CSS file and insert the following:


body {

  background-color: violet;


Modify the Master Template

Now you have a css file, the next step will be to include this file in the master template:

Open the master template file and add the following:


{% load static %}

<!DOCTYPE html>



  <title>{% block title %}{% endblock %}</title>

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'mystyles.css' %}"> 




{% block content %}

{% endblock %}






Check Settings

Make sure your file contains a STATICFILES_DIRS list with a reference to the mystaticfiles folder on the root directory, and that you have specified a STATICFILES_ROOT folder:




STATIC_ROOT = BASE_DIR / 'productionfiles'


STATIC_URL = 'static/'


#Add this in your file:


    BASE_DIR / 'mystaticfiles'




Collect Static Files

Every time you make a change in a static file, you must run the collectstatic command to make the changes take effect:

py collectstatic

If you have executed the command earlier in the project, Django will prompt you with a question:

You have requested to collect static files at the destination
location as specified in your settings:

    C:UsersYour Namemyworldmy_tennis_clubproductionfiles

This will overwrite existing files!
Are you sure you want to do this?

Type 'yes' to continue, or 'no' to cancel:

Type 'yes'. This will update any changes done in the static files, and give you this result:

1 static file copied to 'C:UsersYour Nameminverdenmy_tennis_clubproductionfiles', 132 unmodified.

Now, if you run the project:

py runserver

It will look like this:


If you have followed all the steps on you own computer, you can see the result in your own browser:

In the browser window, type in the address bar.

Spice up the Style!

In the example above we showed you how to include a stylesheet to your project.

We ended up with a purple web page, but CSS can do more than just change the background color.

We want to do more with the styles, and end up with a result like this:


First, replace the content of the mystyles.css file with this:


@import url(';600&display=swap');

body {

Add Styles to the Project

Database Engines

Django comes with a SQLite database which is great for testing and debugging at the beginning of a project.

However, it is not very suitable for production.

Django also support these database engines:

  • PostgreSQL
  • MariaDB
  • MySQL
  • Oracle

We will take a closer look at the PostgreSQL database engine.


PostgreSQL database is an open source relational database, which should cover most demands you have when creating a database for a Django project.

It has a good reputation, it is reliable, and it perform well under most circumstances.

We will add a PostgreSQL database to our Django project.

To be able to use PostgreSQL in Django we have to install a package called psycopg2.

Install psycopg2

Type this command in the command line to install the package. Make sure you are still inn the virtual environment:

pip install psycopg2-binary

The result should be something like this:

Collecting psycopg2-binary
  Downloading psycopg2_binary-2.9.5-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl (1.2 MB)
    |████████████████████████████████| 1.2 MB 3.3 MB/s
Installing collected packages: psycopg2-binary
Successfully installed psycopg2-binary-2.9.5
WARNING: You are using pip version 20.2.3; however, version 22.3.1 is available. You should consider upgrading via the 'c:usersYour Namemyworldscriptspython.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.

The psycopg2 package is a driver that is necessary for PostgreSQL to work in Python.

We also need a server where we can host the database.

In this tutorial we have chosen the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform, you will learn more about that in the .

Why AWS?

There are many providers out there that can host Django projects and PostgreSQL databases.

In this tutorial we will use the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform, mainly because they offer a free solution that can host both Django projects and PostgreSQL databases. All you need is an AWS account.

Note: you can choose whatever server provider you like, they will most likely all give you a satisfying result, but they will have some provider-specific settings that you should be aware of when following this tutorial.


Go to, and create an account:

Sign In

Once you have created an AWS account, it is time to sign in for the first time:

AWS Console

If this is your first time you sign into your AWS account, you will be directed to the AWS Console Home page:

Add the RDS Service

Once you have an AWS account, you can start creating a database.

We will use a database service at AWS, called RDS.

In the search field, search for "RDS", and click to start the service:

Once the service has started, you should see something like this:

In the next chapter we will create the PostgreSQL database.


Create AWS Account

Create Database

Inside the RDS service, create a database, either by navigating to the Database section, or just click the "Create database" button:


Once you have started creating a database, you will be given some choices for the type and settings of your database.

To add a PostgreSQL database to your Django project, choose the following options:

Standard creation method:

PostgreSQL engine method:

Free Tier Template:

Name of database, username, and password

You can choose any name, username, and password:

Keep the default instance configuration:

Check off the storage autoscaling:

It can be a good thing to enable storage autoscaling, but for this tutorial it is not necessary.

Grant public access, and create a new security group:

Give the security group a name, we will call it "w3-django":

Keep default db authentications:

Keep default monitoring:

Click Create database:

This will take a few minutes, but when it is finished, you will have a new PostgreSQL database, almost ready to run on your Django project!

In the next chapter you will learn how to connect your project to the database.


Create Database in RDS

Modify Settings

To make Django able to connect to your database, you have to specify it in the DATABASES tuple in the file.

Before, it looked like this:



    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3',

Now, you should change it to look like this:



    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
        'NAME': 'postgres',
        'USER': 'masteruser',
        'PASSWORD': '12345678',
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': '5432'

Note: The values will be different for your project.


As you can see in the file, we insert postgresql instead of sqlite.


The database does not have a name, but you have to assign one in order to access the database.

If no name is given, the provider accepts 'postgres' as the name of the database.

Username and Password?

Insert the username and password that you specified when you created the database.

Host? Port?

As you can see in the file, we insert postgresql instead of sqlite, and insert the username and password that we specified when we created the database.

The HOST and PORT can be found under the "Connectivity & security" section in the RDS instance. They are described as "Endpoint" and "Port":


Which for my project is this:

'HOST': ''
'PORT': '5432'


Once we have done the changes in, we must run a migration in our virtual environment, before the changes will take place:

py migrate

Which will give you this result:

Operations to perform:
  Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, members, sessions
Running migrations:
  Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
  Applying auth.0001_initial... OK
  Applying admin.0001_initial... OK
  Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... OK
  Applying admin.0003_logentry_add_action_flag_choices... OK
  Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name... OK
  Applying auth.0002_alter_permission_name_max_length... OK
  Applying auth.0003_alter_user_email_max_length... OK
  Applying auth.0004_alter_user_username_opts... OK
  Applying auth.0005_alter_user_last_login_null... OK
  Applying auth.0006_require_contenttypes_0002... OK
  Applying auth.0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages... OK
  Applying auth.0008_alter_user_username_max_length... OK
  Applying auth.0009_alter_user_last_name_max_length... OK
  Applying auth.0010_alter_group_name_max_length... OK
  Applying auth.0011_update_proxy_permissions... OK
  Applying auth.0012_alter_user_first_name_max_length... OK
  Applying members.0001_initial... OK
  Applying members.0002_members_delete_member... OK
  Applying members.0003_rename_members_member... OK
  Applying sessions.0001_initial... OK

Now, if you run the project:

py runserver

And view it in your browser: .

You will get the home page of the project, but if you click on the "members" link, you will see that there are no members.

That is because the database is empty. In the we will fill the database with members.

Connect to Database


The "My Tennis Club" project has no members: .

That is because we have created a brand new database, and it is empty.

The old SQLite database contained 5 members, so let us dive into the admin interface and add the same 5 members.

But first we have to create a new superuser.

Create superuser

Since we now have a new database, we have to create the superuser once again:

This is done by typing this command in the command view:

py createsuperuser

Which will give this prompt:


Here you must enter: username, e-mail address, (you can just pick a fake e-mail address), and password:

Username: johndoe
Email address: [email protected]
Password (again):
This password is too short. It must contain at least 8 characters.
This password is too common.
This password is entirely numeric.
Bypass password validation and create user anyway? [y/N]:

My password did not meet the criteria, but this is a test environment, and I choose to create user anyway, by enter y:

Bypass password validation and create user anyway? [y/N]: y

If you press [Enter], you should have successfully created a user:

Superuser created successfully.

Now start the server again:

py runserver

In the browser window, type in the address bar.

And fill in the form with the correct username and password:


Which should result in this interface:


Add Members

When you are in the admin interface, click the "Add" button for "Members", and start inserting new members until you have a list like this:


My Tennis Club

In the browser window, type in the address bar.

And once again you have a Tennis Club page with 5 members!


Next: let's , so that the whole world can see it!

Add Members

Deploy to the World

To deploy a project means to make it visible for other people on the internet.

So far, in this tutorial, we have made a Django project that runs locally on your computer. This is often called, "in development", and when we have deployed it, we call it "in production".

Where to Deploy?

There are many providers out there that offers servers for Django projects. In this tutorial we will use the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform, mainly because they offer a free solution that only requires you to create an AWS account.

Note: you can choose whatever server provider you like, they will all give you the same result, but they will have some provider-specific settings that you should be aware of when following this tutorial.


Log into your AWS account. (If you do not have an AWS account, follow the steps in the Create AWS Account chapter.)

AWS Console

Once you have signed in, you should be directed to the AWS Console Home page:

Elastic Beanstalk

We will be using a service called "Elastic Beanstalk" to deploy the Django project.

In the search field at the top, search for "elastic beanstalk", and click to start the service:

Lock in Dependencies

Once you have started the "Elastic Beanstalk" service, we could start with the deployment, but first we need to lock in some dependencies, which means to make you local Django project ready for deployment.

You will learn how to in the next chapters.


Elastic Beanstalk (EB)

Lock in Dependencies

When you create a Django application, there are some Python packages that your project depends on.

Django itself is a Python package, and we have to make sure that the server where we deploy our project also has the Django package installed, and all the other packages your project requires.

Luckily there is a command for this as well, just run this command in the command view:

py -m pip freeze > requirements.txt

The result of the above command, is a file called requirements.txt being created in the project:


The file contains all the packages that this project depends on: with this content:



Note: You can create this file on your own, and insert the packages manually, just make sure you get all the packages your project depends on, and you must name the file requirements.txt.

Now the hosting provider knows which packages to install when we deploy our project.

But Elastic Beanstalk needs more information, go to the to create an "EB" config file.

Create requirements.txt

Provider-Specific Settings

We have chosen AWS as our hosting provider, and Elastic Beanstalk as a service to deploy the Django project, and it has some specific requirements.

.ebextension Folder

It requires that you create a folder on the root level of your project called .ebextensions:


Create django.config File

In the .ebextensions folder, create a file called django.config:


Open the file and insert these settings:


    WSGIPath: my_tennis_club.wsgi:application

Note: These steps are specific for AWS and Elastic beanstalk, but every provider has some provider-specific settings.

The next step is to wrap all the dependencies into one .zip file, which you will learn in the .

Create django.config

Zip Your Project

To wrap your project into a .zip file, you cannot zip the entire project folder, but choose the files and folders manually.

The files to include in the .zip file are highlighted (blue) in the example below:









With your file explorer, navigate to the project folder, select these files and folders, right-click and choose to create a zip file.

Zip File

Now you have a .zip file of your project which you can upload to Elastic beanstalk:




Create .zip File

Elastic Beanstalk

In AWS, navigate to the Elastic Beanstalk application, as we did in the Choose Provider chapter, and click the "Create application" button:

Create EB Application

Once you have clicked the "Create Application" button, you will be taken to this page, where you can give your Django project a name. I will name it "my-first-django":

Choose Platform

Then scroll down until you see the "Platform" section, and choose "Python", with the recommended version:

Upload .zip File

Next, scroll down to the next section, the "Application code" section, and choose "Upload your code".

Click on the "Choose file" button, navigate to the .zip file you created in the previous chapter and upload it:

The .zip file is uploaded, and we are ready to deploy!


Click the "Create application" button to start deploying.


The deployment will take a few minutes.


Finally the project is live, and you can view it by clicking the link below the Myfirstdjango-env header, or type the host address in your browser:

Deploy with EB

Deploy Changes

Any changes you do with the application locally, on your own computer, is not visible on the deployed version.

So if you make a change, and you want it to be visible on the deployed version, you have to upload a new .zip file.

Create .zip file

To wrap your project into a .zip file, follow the steps described in the Create .zip File chapter:

Start by selecting the relevant files and folders of your project, if you have the same project as we have in our tutorial, you should select the highlighted files in the example below:









Right-click and choose to create a .zip file.

Now you have a .zip file, containing the changes, and you can upload it to Elastic beanstalk:



Upload to Elastic Beanstalk

Log into your Amazon Web Services account, and find your project under the "Elastic Beanstalk" application:

Click the "Upload and deploy" button.

Choose .zip File

Click the "Choose file" button to upload the .zip file you just created:


Click the "Deploy" button:


That's it, your project is updated with all the new changes.

Note: Follow these steps every time you want to update your project.


Update Project

What is Slug?

Have you ever seen url's that look like this:

The "learn-about-slug-field" part is a slug.

It is a description containing only letters, hyphens, numbers or underscores.

It is often used in url's to make them easier to read, but also to make them more search engine friendly.

Url Without Slug

If you have followed our Django Project created in this tutorial, you will have a small Django project looking like this:

And if you click the first member, you will jump to this page:

Check out the address bar:

The number "1" refers to the ID of that particular record in the database.

Makes sense to the developer, but probably not to anyone else.

Url With Slug

It would have made more sense if the url looked like this:

Check out the address bar:

That is a more user friendly url, and Django can help you create such url's in your project.

Modify the File

Start by adding a new field in the database.

Open the file and add a field called slug with the data type SlugField:


from django.db import models


class Member(models.Model):

  firstname = models.CharField(max_length=255)

  lastname = models.CharField(max_length=255)

  phone = models.IntegerField(null=True)

  joined_date = models.DateField(null=True)

  slug = models.SlugField(default="", null=False)


  def __str__(self):

    return f"{self.firstname} {self.lastname}"


This is a change in the Model's structure, and therefor we have to make a migration to tell Django that it has to update the database:

py makemigrations

And the migrate command:

py migrate

Change Admin

Now we have a new field in the database, but we also want this field to be updated automatically when we set the firstname or lastname of a member.

This can be done with a built-in Django feature called prepopulated_fields where you specify the field you want to pre-populate, and a tuple with the field(s) you want to populate it with.

This is done in the file:


from django.contrib import admin

from .models import Member


# Register your models here.


class MemberAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

  list_display = ("firstname", "lastname", "joined_date",)

  prepopulated_fields = {"slug": ("firstname", "lastname")}, MemberAdmin)


Enter the Admin interface and open a record for editing:

Click "SAVE" and the "slug" field will be auto populated with the firstname and the lastname, and since the "slug" field is of type SlugField, it will "slugify" the value, meaning it will put a hyphen between each word.

Next time you open the member for editing you will see the slug field with value:

Note: Since the new field is empty by default, you have to do this save operation for each member.

Modify Template

Now we can replace the ID field with the slug field throughout the project.

Add Slug Field


Add Bootstrap 5

There are two main methods to use bootstrap in your Django project. Either by downloading the required files and include them in your project, or you can install the bootstrap 5 module in your .

We will use the second method, installing Bootstrap 5 in the virtual environment.

Install Bootstrap 5

Bootstrap 5 should be installed in the virtual environment.

We will install it in an existing project, the , created earlier in this tutorial.

Open the command view, navigate to the virtual environment folder and activate the virtual environment:


Once you are inside the virtual environment, install Bootstrap 5 with this command:

pip install django-bootstrap-v5

Which will give you a result like this:

Collecting django-bootstrap-v5
Downloading django_bootstrap_v5-1.0.11-py3-none-any.whl (24 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: django<5.0,>=2.2 in c:usersyour namemyworldlibsite-packages (from django-bootstrap-v5) (4.1.4)
Collecting beautifulsoup4<5.0.0,>=4.8.0
  Downloading beautifulsoup4-4.11.1-py3-none-any.whl (128 kB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 128 kB 6.4 MB/s
Requirement already satisfied: tzdata; sys_platform == "win32" in c:usersyour namemyworldlibsite-packages (from django<5.0,>=2.2->django-bootstrap-v5) (2022.7)
Requirement already satisfied: asgiref<4,>=3.5.2 in c:usersyour namemyworldlibsite-packages (from django<5.0,>=2.2->django-bootstrap-v5) (3.5.2)
Requirement already satisfied: sqlparse>=0.2.2 in c:usersyour namemyworldlibsite-packages (from django<5.0,>=2.2->django-bootstrap-v5) (0.4.3)
Collecting soupsieve>1.2
  Downloading soupsieve-2.3.2.post1-py3-none-any.whl (37 kB)
Installing collected packages: soupsieve, beautifulsoup4, django-bootstrap-v5
Successfully installed beautifulsoup4-4.11.1 django-bootstrap-v5-1.0.11 soupsieve-2.3.2.post1

Update Settings

Next step is to include the bootstrap module in the INSTALLED_APPS list in



Bootstrap 5 is now ready to use in your project!

Remove Old Styling

ThThe My Tennis Club project already has a stylesheet, remove it and the Members page without styling will look like this:


Add Bootstrap 5 to Template

To use Bootstrap 5 in the project, start by inserting some lines of code in the master.html template:


  {% load bootstrap5 %}
  {% bootstrap_css %}
  {% bootstrap_javascript %}

{% block content %} {% endblock %}

As you can see, we inserted these three lines in the section:

  {% load bootstrap5 %}
  {% bootstrap_css %}
  {% bootstrap_javascript %}

The first line tells Django that it should load the Bootstrap 5 module in this template.

The second line inserts the element with the referral to the bootstrap stylesheet.

The third line inserts the

Add Bootstrap 5


A list of all template tags:




Specifies if autoescape mode is on or off


Specifies a block section


Specifies a comment section


Protects forms from Cross Site Request Forgeries


Specifies content to use in each cycle of a loop


Specifies debugging information


Specifies a parent template


Filters content before returning it


Returns the first not empty variable


Specifies a for loop


Specifies a if statement


Used in for loops. Outputs a block only if a value has changed since the last iteration


Specifies included content/template


Loads template tags from another library


Outputs random text


Outputs the current date/time


Sorts an object by a group


Used in cycles. Resets the cycle


Removes whitespace between HTML tags


Outputs a specified template tag


Returns the absolute URL part of a URL


Specifies contents that should not be rendered by the template engine


Calculates a width value based on the ratio between a given value and a max value


Specifies a variable to use in the block


Template Tag Reference


A list of all filter keywords:




Adds a specified value.


Adds a slash before any quote characters, to escape strings.


Returns the first letter in uppercase.


Centers the value in the middle of a specified width.


Removes any specified character or phrases.


Returns dates in the specified format.


Returns a specified value if the value is False.


Returns a specified value if the value is None.


Sorts a dictionary by the given value.


Sorts a dictionary reversed, by the given value.


Returns True if the value can be divided by the specified number, otherwise it returns False.


Escapes HTML code from a string.


Escapes JavaScript code from a string.


Returns a number into a file size format.


Returns the first item of an object (for Strings, the first character is returned).


Rounds floating numbers to a specified number of decimals, default one decimal.


Escapes HTML code from a string.


Returns a specific digit of a number.


Convert an IRI into a URL friendly string.


Returns the items of a list into a string.


Returns an object into a JSON object surrounded by <script></script> tags.


Returns the last item of an object (for Strings, the last character is returned).


Returns the number of items in an object, or the number of characters in a string.


Returns True if the length is the same as the specified number


Returns the text with <br> instead of line breaks, and <p> instead of more than one line break.


Returns the text with <br> instead of line breaks.


Returns the text with line numbers for each line.


Left aligns the value according to a specified width


Returns the text in lower case letters.


Converts a value into a list object.


Converts phone numbers with letters into numeric phone numbers.


Adds a 's' at the end of a value if the specified numeric value is not 1.




Returns a random item of an object


Right aligns the value according to a specified width


Marks that this text is safe and should not be HTML escaped.


Marks each item of an object as safe and the item should not be HTML escaped.


Returns a specified slice of a text or object.


Converts text into one long alphanumeric-lower-case word.


Converts the value into a specified format.


Removes HTML tags from a text.


Returns a time in the specified format.


Returns the difference between two datetimes.


Returns the difference between two datetimes.


Upper cases the first character of each word in a text, all other characters are converted to lower case.


Shortens a string into the specified number of characters.


Shortens a string into the specified number of characters, not considering the length of any HTML tags.


Shortens a string into the specified number of words.


Shortens a string into the specified number of words, not considering any HTML tags.


Returns the items of an object as an unordered HTML list.


Returns the text in upper case letters.


URL encodes a string.


Returns any URLs in a string as HTML links.


Returns any URLs in a string as HTML links, but shortens the links into the specified number of characters.


Returns the number of words in a text.


Filter Reference

Field Lookups Reference

A list of all field look up keywords:




Contains the phrase


Same as contains, but case-insensitive


Matches a date


Matches a date (day of month, 1-31) (for dates)


Ends with


Same as endswidth, but case-insensitive


An exact match


Same as exact, but case-insensitive


Matches one of the values


Matches NULL values


Greater than


Greater than, or equal to


Matches an hour (for datetimes)


Less than


Less than, or equal to


Matches a minute (for datetimes)


Matches a month (for dates)


Matches a quarter of the year (1-4) (for dates)


Match between


Matches a regular expression


Same as regex, but case-insensitive


Matches a second (for datetimes)


Starts with


Same as startswith, but case-insensitive


Matches a time (for datetimes)


Matches a week number (1-53) (for dates)


Matches a day of week (1-7) 1 is Sunday


Matches a ISO 8601 day of week (1-7) 1 is Monday


Matches a year (for dates)


Matches an ISO 8601 year (for dates)


Field lookups Reference

Django Compiler (Editor)

If you want to create your own website or build Python applications using Django, check out is a website-building tool that enables you to create and share your own website, as well as develop and host your Python applications using Django.

You have full control over the website's appearance and functionality by editing the code directly in your web browser. Spaces is user-friendly and requires no setup, making it easy to use.

Get started with Django by selecting the Python environment in Spaces.

The code editor is packed with features to help you achieve more:

  • Templates: Start from scratch or use a template
  • Cloud-based: no installations required. You only need your browser
  • Terminal & Log: debug and troubleshoot your code easily
  • File Navigator: switch between files inside the code editor
  • And much more!

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If you don't know Django, we suggest that you read our Django Tutorial from scratch.

If you don't know Python, we suggest that you read our Python Tutorial from scratch.

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Django Compiler

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If you don't know Django, we suggest that you read our from scratch.


Django Exercises

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If you do not know Django, we suggest that you read our from scratch.


Django Quiz
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Template Variables

In Django templates, you can render variables by putting them inside {{ }} brackets:



<h1>Hello {{ firstname }}, how are you?</h1>


Create Variable in View

The variable firstname in the example above was sent to the template via a view:

from django.http import HttpResponse

from django.template import loader


def testing(request):

  template = loader.get_template('template.html')

  context = {

    'firstname': 'Linus',


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))

As you can see in the view above, we create an object named context and fill it with data, and send it as the first parameter in the template.render() function.

Create Variables in Template

You can also create variables directly in the template, by using the {% with %} template tag.

The variable is available until the {% endwith %} tag appears:



{% with firstname="Tobias" %}

<h1>Hello {{ firstname }}, how are you?</h1>

{% endwith %}

You will learn more about template tags in the next chapter.

Data From a Model

The example above showed a easy approach on how to create and use variables in a template.

Normally, most of the external data you want to use in a template, comes from a model.

We have created a model in the previous chapters, called Member, which we will use in many examples in the next chapters of this tutorial.

To get data from the Member model, we will have to import it in the file, and extract data from it in the view:


from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect

from django.template import loader

from .models import Member


def testing(request):

  mymembers = Member.objects.all().values()

  template = loader.get_template('template.html')

  context = {

    'mymembers': mymembers,


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))

Now we can use the data in the template:



  {% for x

A list of all filter keywords:




Adds a specified value.


Adds a slash before any quote characters, to escape strings.


Returns the first letter in uppercase.


Centers the value in the middle of a specified width.


Removes any specified character or phrases.


Returns dates in the specified format.


Returns a specified value if the value is False.


Returns a specified value if the value is None.


Sorts a dictionary by the given value.


Sorts a dictionary reversed, by the given value.


Returns True if the value can be divided by the specified number, otherwise it returns False.


Escapes HTML code from a string.


Escapes JavaScript code from a string.


Returns a number into a file size format.


Returns the first item of an object (for Strings, the first character is returned).


Rounds floating numbers to a specified number of decimals, default one decimal.


Escapes HTML code from a string.


Returns a specific digit of a number.


Convert an IRI into a URL friendly string.


Returns the items of a list into a string.


Returns an object into a JSON object surrounded by <script></script> tags.


Returns the last item of an object (for Strings, the last character is returned).


Returns the number of items in an object, or the number of characters in a string.


Returns True if the length is the same as the specified number


Returns the text with <br> instead of line breaks, and <p> instead of more than one line break.


Returns the text with <br> instead of line breaks.


Returns the text with line numbers for each line.


Left aligns the value according to a specified width


Returns the text in lower case letters.


Converts a value into a list object.


Converts phone numbers with letters into numeric phone numbers.


Adds a 's' at the end of a value if the specified numeric value is not 1.




Returns a random item of an object


Right aligns the value according to a specified width


Marks that this text is safe and should not be HTML escaped.


Marks each item of an object as safe and the item should not be HTML escaped.


Returns a specified slice of a text or object.


Converts text into one long alphanumeric-lower-case word.


Converts the value into a specified format.


Removes HTML tags from a text.


Returns a time in the specified format.


Returns the difference between two datetimes.


Returns the difference between two datetimes.


Upper cases the first character of each word in a text, all other characters are converted to lower case.


Shortens a string into the specified number of characters.


Shortens a string into the specified number of characters, not considering the length of any HTML tags.


Shortens a string into the specified number of words.


Shortens a string into the specified number of words, not considering any HTML tags.


Returns the items of an object as an unordered HTML list.


Returns the text in upper case letters.


URL encodes a string.


Returns any URLs in a string as HTML links.


Returns any URLs in a string as HTML links, but shortens the links into the specified number of characters.


Returns the number of words in a text.


Wrap words at a specified number of characters.


Converts Booleans values into specified values.








Template Variables

In Django templates, you can render variables by putting them inside {{ }} brackets:

ExampleGet your own Django Server


<h1>Hello {{ firstname }}, how are you?</h1>


Create Variable in View

The variable firstname in the example above was sent to the template via a view:

from django.http import HttpResponse

from django.template import loader


def testing(request):

  template = loader.get_template('template.html')

  context = {

    'firstname': 'Linus',


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))


As you can see in the view above, we create an object named context and fill it with data, and send it as the first parameter in the template.render() function.

Create Variables in Template

You can also create variables directly in the template, by using the {% with %} template tag.

The variable is available until the {% endwith %} tag appears:



{% with firstname="Tobias" %}

<h1>Hello {{ firstname }}, how are you?</h1>

{% endwith %}


You will learn more about template tags in the next chapter.

Data From a Model

The example above showed a easy approach on how to create and use variables in a template.

Normally, most of the external data you want to use in a template, comes from a model.

We have created a model in the previous chapters, called Member, which we will use in many examples in the next chapters of this tutorial.

To get data from the Member model, we will have to import it in the file, and extract data from it in the view:


from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect

from django.template import loader

from .models import Member


def testing(request):

  mymembers = Member.objects.all().values()

  template = loader.get_template('template.html')

  context = {

    'mymembers': mymembers,


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))

Now we can use the data in the template:



  {% for x in mymembers %}

    <li>{{ x.firstname }}</li>

  {% endfor %}



We use the Django template tag {% for %} to loop through the members.

You will learn more about template tags in the next chapter.

Template Variables

In Django templates, you can render variables by putting them inside {{ }} brackets:



<h1>Hello {{ firstname }}, how are you?</h1>

Create Variable in View

The variable firstname in the example above was sent to the template via a view:

from django.http import HttpResponse

from django.template import loader


def testing(request):

  template = loader.get_template('template.html')

  context = {

    'firstname': 'Linus',


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))

As you can see in the view above, we create an object named context and fill it with data, and send it as the first parameter in the template.render() function.

Create Variables in Template

You can also create variables directly in the template, by using the {% with %} template tag.

The variable is available until the {% endwith %} tag appears:



{% with firstname="Tobias" %}

<h1>Hello {{ firstname }}, how are you?</h1>

{% endwith %}

You will learn more about template tags in the next chapter.

Data From a Model

The example above showed a easy approach on how to create and use variables in a template.

Normally, most of the external data you want to use in a template, comes from a model.

We have created a model in the previous chapters, called Member, which we will use in many examples in the next chapters of this tutorial.

To get data from the Member model, we will have to import it in the file, and extract data from it in the view:


from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect

from django.template import loader

from .models import Member


def testing(request):

  mymembers = Member.objects.all().values()

  template = loader.get_template('template.html')

  context = {

    'mymembers': mymembers,


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))

Now we can use the data in the template:



  {% for x

Template Tags

In Django templates, you can perform programming logic like executing if statements and for loops.

These keywords, if and for, are called "template tags" in Django.

To execute template tags, we surround them in {% %} brackets.



{% if greeting == 1 %}


{% else %}


{% endif %}

Django Code

The template tags are a way of telling Django that here comes something else than plain HTML.

The template tags allows us to to do some programming on the server before sending HTML to the client.



  {% for x in mymembers %}

    <li>{{ x.firstname }}</li>

  {% endfor %}


In the next chapters you will learn about the most common template tags.

Tag Reference

A list of all template tags:




Specifies if autoescape mode is on or off


Specifies a block section


Specifies a comment section


Protects forms from Cross Site Request Forgeries


Specifies content to use in each cycle of a loop


Specifies debugging information


Specifies a parent template


Filters content before returning it


Returns the first not empty variable


Specifies a for loop


Specifies a if statement


Used in for loops. Outputs a block only if a value has changed since the last iteration


Specifies included content/template


Loads template tags from another library


Outputs random text


Outputs the current date/time


Sorts an object by a group


Used in cycles. Resets the cycle


Removes whitespace between HTML tags


Outputs a specified template tag


Returns the absolute URL part of a URL


Specifies contents that should not be rendered by the template engine


Calculates a width value based on the ratio between a given value and a max value


Specifies a variable to use in the block



For Loops

for loop is used for iterating over a sequence, like looping over items in an array, a list, or a dictionary.


Loop through the items of a list:

{% for x in fruits %}

  <h1>{{ x }}</h1>

{% endfor %}


Loop through a list of dictionaries:

{% for x in cars %}

  <h1>{{ x.brand }}</h1>

  <p>{{ x.model }}</p>

  <p>{{ x.year }}</p>

{% endfor %}

Data From a Model

Data in a model is like a table with rows and columns.

The Member model we created earlier has five rows, and each row has three columns:































When we fetch data from the model, it comes as a QuerySet object, with a similar format as the cars example above: a list with dictionaries:

<QuerySet [


    'id': 1,

    'firstname': 'Emil',

    'lastname': 'Refsnes',

    'phone': 5551234,

    'joined_date':, 1, 5)



    'id': 2,

    'firstname': 'Tobias',

    'lastname': 'Refsnes'

    'phone': 5557777,

    'joined_date':, 4, 1

Django QuerySet

A QuerySet is a collection of data from a database.

A QuerySet is built up as a list of objects.

QuerySets makes it easier to get the data you actually need, by allowing you to filter and order the data at an early stage.

In this tutorial we will be querying data from the Member table.

































Querying Data

In, we have a view for testing called testing where we will test different queries.

In the example below we use the .all() method to get all the records and fields of the Member model:


from django.http import HttpResponse

from django.template import loader

from .models import Member


def testing(request):

  mydata = Member.objects.all()

  template = loader.get_template('template.html')

  context = {

    'mymembers': mydata,


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))

The object is placed in a variable called mydata, and is sent to the template via the context object as mymembers, and looks like this:

<QuerySet [
  <Member: Member object (1)>,
  <Member: Member object (2)>,
  <Member: Member object (3)>,
  <Member: Member object (4)>,
  <Member: Member object (5)>

As you can see, our Member model contains 5 records, and are listed inside the QuerySet as 5 objects.

In the template you can use the mymembers object to generate content:



<table border='1'>






  {% for x in mymembers %}


      <td>{{ }}</td>

        <td>{{ x.firstname

Create Static Folder

When building web applications, you probably want to add some static files like images or css files.

Start by creating a folder named static in your project, the same place where you created the templates folder:

The name of the folder has to be static.


Add a CSS file in the static folder, the name is your choice, we will call it myfirst.css in this example:


Open the CSS file and insert the following:


body {

  background-color: lightblue;

  font-family: verdana;


Modify the Template

Now you have a CSS file, with some CSS styling. The next step will be to include this file in a HTML template:

Open the HTML file and add the following:

{% load static %}


<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'myfirst.css' %}">



{% load static %}

<!DOCTYPE html>


<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'myfirst.css' %}">



{% for x in fruits %}

  <h1>{{ x }}</h1>

{% endfor %}






Restart the server for the changes to take effect:

And check out the result in your own browser:

Didn't Work?

Just testing? If you just want to play around, and not going to deploy your work, you can set DEBUG = True in the file, and the example above will work.

Plan to deploy? If you plan to deploy your work, you should set DEBUG = False in the file. The example above will fail, because Django has no built-in solution for serving static files, but there are other ways to serve static files, you will learn how in the next chapter.

Example (in development):




# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!

DEBUG = True



This will make the example work, but we want you to choose DEBUG = False, because that is the best way to learn how to work with Django.

Choose Debug = False

For the rest of this tutorial, we will run with DEBUG = False, even in development, because that is the best way to learn how to work with Django.





# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!

DEBUG = False



