Module Overview

In this first section, you have been introduced to the following concepts:1.    Review of Core AWS Services: This section could involve revisiting fundamental AWS services such as EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud), S3 (Simple Storage Service), RDS (Relational Database Service), and others. It may include a quick overview of their purpose, use cases, and how to set them up.

2.    Security and Identity Access Management (IAM): A recap of AWS security best practices and how to use IAM to control access to AWS resources. This might include creating and managing IAM users, roles, and policies.

3.    Networking: A review of AWS networking concepts, including Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) setup, subnetting, and security groups. Understanding how to configure network settings is crucial for many AWS deployments.

4.    Compute Services: A deeper dive into EC2 instances, including different instance types, launching instances, and working with EC2-related services like Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) and Auto Scaling.

5.    Storage Services: Review of AWS storage options such as S3 for object storage, EBS (Elastic Block Store) for block storage, and how to create and manage storage resources.

6.    Databases: A recap of RDS for managed relational databases, DynamoDB for NoSQL databases, and other database-related topics.

7.    Serverless and Container Services: An overview of AWS Lambda for serverless computing, as well as ECS (Elastic Container Service) and EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) for container management.

8.    Monitoring and Management: A review of AWS CloudWatch for monitoring and AWS CloudFormation for infrastructure as code.

9.    Deployment and Automation: A recap of deployment strategies using services like AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS CodeDeploy, and AWS CodePipeline.

10. Cost Management: Discussion of AWS cost optimization techniques and best practices to manage and reduce AWS expenses.

11. Use Cases and Best Practices: Real-world use cases and best practices for architecting and deploying applications on AWS.

12. Hands-On Labs and Exercises: Practical exercises and labs to reinforce concepts learned during the recap module.

13. Q&A and Troubleshooting: A session where students can ask questions, seek clarification on specific topics, and discuss any challenges they faced while working on AWS projects.

Third Recap Video

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AWS Third Recap
