Django QuerySet - Filter

QuerySet Filter

The filter() method is used to filter your search, and allows you to return only the rows that matches the search term.

As we learned in the previous chapter, we can filter on field names like this:


Return only the records where the firstname is 'Emil':

mydata = Member.objects.filter(firstname='Emil').values()

In SQL, the above statement would be written like this:

SELECT * FROM members WHERE firstname = 'Emil';


The filter() method takes the arguments as **kwargs (keyword arguments), so you can filter on more than one field by separating them by a comma.


Return records where lastname is "Refsnes" and id is 2:

mydata = Member.objects.filter(lastname='Refsnes', id=2).values()

In SQL, the above statement would be written like this:

SELECT * FROM members WHERE lastname = 'Refsnes' AND id = 2;


To return records where firstname is Emil or firstname is Tobias (meaning: returning records that matches either query, not necessarily both) is not as easy as the AND example above.

We can use multiple filter() methods, separated by a pipe | character. The results will merge into one model.


Return records where firstname is either "Emil" or Tobias":

mydata = Member.objects.filter(firstname='Emil').values() | Member.objects.filter(firstname='Tobias').values()

Another common method is to import and use Q expressions:


Return records where firstname is either "Emil" or Tobias":

from django.http import HttpResponse

from django.template import loader

from .models import Member

from django.db.models import Q


def testing(request):

  mydata = Member.objects.filter(Q(firstname='Emil') | Q(firstname='Tobias')).values()

  template = loader.get_template('template.html')

  context = {

    'mymembers': mydata,


  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))

In SQL, the above statement would be written like this:

SELECT * FROM members WHERE firstname = 'Emil' OR firstname = 'Tobias';

Field Lookup

QuerySet Filter
