AWS DynamoDB


Non-relational Cloud Database - AWS DynamoDB

AWS DynamoDB is a non-relational, NoSQL database.

It is a serverless database.

DynamoDB is a high performance service.


As AWS DynamoDB is a serverless database, you do not have to manage servers or an operational system to use it.

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What is a Non-Relational Database?

One of the structure types of the non-relational database is key-value pairs.

Data key represents an item, and data value represents that item attributes.

Each item can have different attributes.

You can remove any attribute from any item at any time.

Example of non-relational database data:

ID Data
  Name: Katherine Smith
1 Profession: Photographer
  Race: White
  Name: Joe Doe
2 Age: 35
  Height: 190cm

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AWS DynamoDB is a non-, noSQL 




AWS DynamoDB
