W3Schools SQL Bootcamp

SQL Bootcamp

Learn with W3Schools.

Live online learning sessions.

Duration: 3 Weeks.

w3schools BOOTCAMP . 2023

In this mini bootcamp, you will learn the fundamentals of SQL. This powerful programming language is widely used in web development, data science and artificial intelligence, and many other fields.

You will learn the fundamentals of SQL over a 3 weeks period together with a live instructor and an interactive cohort of engaged learners!

You Will Learn
  • Use SQL to:
  • Structure, extract and analyse data from databases
  • Interact with, query, manipulate, and update data in databases
  • Write scripts to automate repetitive tasks in databases
  • Create and manage databases and tables

  • Use SQL in: Data integrity and security
  • Use SQL in: MySQL, SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Postgres, and other database systems

3 Reasons to Join the Bootcamp

1. Live Online Instruction

Learn directly from experienced instructors through live online learning sessions.

2. Live Sessions

Learn three evenings per week between 7pm and 9pm, available in multiple time zones.

3. Affordable & Flexible

One of the most affordable instructor-led online bootcamps, with flexible payment options.

How it Works

1. Application and Enrollment:
Reserve your seat and enroll in the bootcamp by paying the bootcamp fee of only $495. The price includes the exam fee and 18 hours with live instructor.

2. Complete the Bootcamp:
After enrollment, you will be placed in a learning cohort with other students. You will go through the course material together and complete assignments and projects with the help of an experienced instructor.

The bootcamp covers the fundamentals of SQL. The curriculum used is the . The bootcamp will help you prepare for the W3Schools SQL exam so that you can document and validate your competence.

Throughout the bootcamp, you will receive support from your cohort and the W3Schools team to help you grow your skill set.

3. Certification and Job Application:
Upon completing the bootcamp, you will have passed the W3Schools SQL exam and obtained the Certified SQL Developer Title and an extra acknowledgement that you were a part of the bootcamp on the certification. This certification demonstrates that you know the fundamentals of SQL.
