AWS Support Plans


AWS Cloud Support Plans

AWS offers four different support plans.

  • Basic
  • Developer
  • Business
  • Enterprise

AWS Support Plans Video collaborates with Amazon Web Services to deliver digital training content to our students.

Basic Support

Basic is the default support option.

Basic support is free.

It grants access to whitepapers, documentation, and support communities.

There are limitations for what you can contact AWS for.

Paid Support

You need to pay to access a higher level of support than basic.

The alternatives are:

  • Developer: lowest cost
  • Business: cost in the middle
  • Enterprise: highest cost

The alternatives cover different needs.

All plans have a monthly price.

Read here to compare support plans:

Developer Support

Access to everything in Basic plus:

  • Best practice guidance
  • Client-side diagnostic tools
  • Building-block architecture support on how to use AWS services together

Business Support

Everything in Basic and Developer plus:

  • Use-case guidance
  • All checks
  • Limited support for third-party software

Enterprise Support

Everything in Basic, Developer, and Business plus:

  • Application architecture guidance
  • A short project to assess and guide your company on architecture and scale
  • Technical account manager

Technical Account Manager (TAM)

The Enterprise Plan includes access to a Technical Account Manager.

The TAM is the primary point of contact.

She helps you with design, architecture, and how to grow with AWS.

The TAM has access to expertise in all AWS services.

Read more about Support Plans at:

AWS Cloud Exercises

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Fill in the missing Support Plans

2. Developer
4. Enterprise


AWS Support Plans
