Learn how to find the difference between two times using Excel.

Time can be converted into seconds using Excel.

The number 86400 can be used to convert time to seconds.

Conversion number 86400

Read more about 86400 in the

How to find the difference between two times?

Step 1) Create a sheet and set up values:

In this example, we will find the seconds between 14:00(A2)Time A and 16:00(A3) Time B.

Copy the values to follow the example.

Paste the values directly into your sheet.

Time to seconds setup


Excel can change the format when you use the 86400 number.

Make sure to change the format back to number if it changes to time format.

Step 2) Convert time to seconds:

Let us multiply the time by 86400.

Select cell C2

Convert time to seconds for Time A:


B2(14:00) * G1(86400) = 50400
Time to seconds

Repeat the same for Time B: (B3(16:00) * G1(86400))

Step 3) Find the difference in seconds:

Select cell F9

Deduct Time B from Time A to find the difference.

Use the converted seconds to calculate (the numbers in Column C).


C3(57600) - C2(50400) = 7200 Seconds
Difference between Time A and Time B

Step 4) Convert Seconds to Minutes:

Divide the seconds on 60 to find the minutes.

Select cell F10


F9(7200) / G2(60) = 120 Minutes
Seconds converted to minutes

Step 5) Convert Minutes to Hours:

Divide the minutes on 60 to find the hours.

Select cell F11


F9(120) / G3(60) = 2 Hours
Seconds converted to minutes

Good job!

You have successfully found the time between two times, 14:00 and 16:00.

In this case, the right answer was 7200 Seconds or 120 Minutes or 2 hours.
