The History of Numbers

To understand AI, it is important to understand the concept of Numbers and Counting.

AI is About Numbers

Artificial Intelligence is all about Numbers.

Numbers are easy to understand: 1,2,3,4,5 ... 11,12,13,14,15.

Studies of animals indicates that even animals can understand some numbers:

  • 2 Wives
  • 8 Sons
  • 5 Eggs

The need for numbers in the modern world is absolute. We cannot live without numbers:

  • 100 Dollar
  • Pi = 3.14
  • 365 Days
  • 25 Years
  • 20% Tax
  • 100 Miles

AI is About Counting

The concept of numbers leads to the concept of counting.

Imagine prehistoric thinking:

  • How to count apples?
  • How to weigh corn?
  • How to pay?
  • How far is the ocean?

Artificial Intelligence is a result of the human need for calculations.

Counting is easy to understand: 2 + 2 = 4.

Studies of animals indicates that animals can only understand very simple counting.

How do Homo Sapiens deal with calculations?

Complex calculations are done by computers.

"Yes! Computers can be smarter than humans."


Two Babylonian Scientists

About 6000 Years ago ...

Two Babylonian scientists were talking:

Scientist 1: "We need to invent a number system".

Scientist 2: "What?".

Scientist 1: "We need to give every number a name".

Scientist 2: "You mean like 1, 2, and 3".

Scientist 1: "Exactly!".

Scientist 2: "But why?".

Scientist 1: "How can I tell you I have 7 sons, if you don't know what 7 is?

Scientist 2: "Every number should have a name?".

Scientist 1: "Exactly!".

Scientist 2: "So, how many numbers do we need? 15?".

Scientist 1: "More. Some people have more than 15 sons".

Scientist 2: "Ok. 30 then. Just to be sure".

Scientist 1: "But people older than 30 should be able to tell their age".

Scientist 2: "Ok. 60 then".

Babylonian Numbers (Base 60)

We believe that the Babylonians started the development of complex counting.

History of AI and ML

1950 Alan Turing publishes "Computing Machinery and Intelligence"
1952 Arthur Samuel develops a self-learning program to play checkers
1956 Artificial Intelligence used by John McCarthy in a conference
1957 First programming language for numeric and scientific computing (FORTRAN)
1958 First AI programming language (LISP)
1959 Arthur Samuel used the term Machine Learning
1959 John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky founded the MIT Artificial Intelligence Project
1961 First industrial Robot (Unimate) on the assembly line at General Motors
1965 ELIZA by Joseph Weizenbaum was the first program that could communicate on any topic
1972 First logic programming language (PROLOG)
1991 U.S. forces uses DART (automated logistics planning and scheduling) in the Gulf war
1997 Deep Blue (IBM) beats the world champion in chess
2002 The first robot cleaner (Roomba)
2005 Self-driving car (STANLEY) wins DARPA
2008 Breakthrough in speech recognition (Google)
2011 A neural network wins over humans in traffic sign recognition (99.46% vs 99.22%)
2011 Apple Siri
2011 Watson (IBM) wins Jeopardy!
2014 Amazon Alexa
2014 Microsoft Cortana
2014 Self-driving car (Google) passes a state driving test
2015 Google AlphaGo defeated various human champions in the board game Go
2016 The human robot Sofia by Hanson Robotics


Why AI Now?

One of the greatest innovators in the field of machine learning was John McCarthy, widely recognized as the "Father of Artificial Intelligence".

In the mid 1950s, McCarthy coined the term "Artificial Intelligence" and defined it as "the science of making intelligent machines".

The algorithms has been here since then. Why is AI more interesting now?

The answer is:

  • Computing power has not been strong enough
  • Computer storage has not been large enough
  • Big data has not been available
  • Fast Internet has not been available

Another strong force is the major investments from big companies (Google, Microsoft, Facebook, YouTube) because their datasets became much too big to handle traditionally.

Man vs Machine

Man Computer
Smart Stupid
Slow Fast
Inaccurate Accurate

Interesting Questions

Studying AI raises many interesting questions:

"Can computers think like humans?"

"Can computers be smarter than humans?"

"Can computers take over the world?"

Machines can understand verbal commands, recognize faces, drive cars, and play games better than us.

How long will it take before they walk among us?

Artificial Intelligence Films

Artificial Intelligence Films

Metropolis Metropolis
German Science-Fiction Drama (1927).

In the future, wealthy industrialists and business magnates and their top employees reign over the city of Metropolis from colossal skyscrapers, while underground-dwelling workers toil to operate the great machines that power it.

Rated as one of the greatest and most influential films ever made. Inscribed in UNESCO's Memory of the World Register in 2001, as the first film thus distinguished.
  The Day the Earth Stood Still
American Science-Fiction (1951).

Rated by the US National Film Registry in 1995 as Culturally, Historically, or Aesthetically Significant.
2001 Space Odyssey 2001:a Space Odyssey
Epic Science-Fiction (1968).

Selected for preservation in the National Film Registry by the US Library of Congress in 1991 as Culturally, Historically, or Aesthetically Significant.
American Science-Fiction Western (1973).

An adult amusement park has 3 worlds populated with androids that are indistinguishable from human beings: Western World (American Old West), Medieval World (Medieval Europe), and Roman World (City of Pompeii).

Westworld is a story about how artificial intelligence can be used to entertain us and allow us to live out our fantasies.
Star Wars Star Wars
Epic Space Opera Film (1977).

Winning 7 Oscars at the 50th Academy Awards (including Best Picture).
The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983) rounded the Star Wars trilogy.

Selected for preservation in the National Film Registry by the US Library of Congress in 1989, for being Culturally, Historically, or Aesthetically Significant.
1977 Demon Seed
1982 Blade Runner
1983 WarGames
1984 The Terminator
1985 D.A.R.Y.
Science-Fiction film.
DARYL ("Data-Analyzing Robot Youth Lifeform") is an artificial intelligence experiment created by the government.
1986 Short Circuit
1987 RoboCop
1994 Star Trek
1999 Bicentennial Man
Matrix The Matrix
Science-Fiction Action (1999).

Selected for preservation in the US National Film Registry by the Library of Congress in 2012, for being Culturally, Historically, or Aesthetically Significant.
2001 A.I. (Spielberg)
2004 I, Robot
2009 Moon
Her Her
Science-Fiction Romantic Drama (2013).

Theodore develops a relationship with Samantha, an artificially intelligent virtual assistant personified through a female voice.
Gives us a glimpse of how artificial assistants can be in the future and how we can even fall in love with them.
2013 The Machine
2014 Autómata
Imitation Game The Imitation Game
Historical Drama (2014).

Based on the biography Alan Turing: The Enigma by Andrew Hodges.
The film's title quotes the game Alan Turing proposed for answering the question "Can machines think?", in his 1950 seminal paper "Computing Machinery and Intelligence".



History of Numbers
