AWS TrustedAdvisor


Cloud Inspection Service - AWS TrustedAdvisor

TrustedAdvisor checks your account, evaluates, and recommends.

It recommends helping you follow AWS best practices.

AWS TrustedAdvisor Video collaborates with Amazon Web Services to deliver digital training content to our students.

How TrustedAdvisor Works

TrustedAdvisor is a web-based, real-time recommendation service.

The service checks your account and compares its findings to the following categories:

  • Cost optimization
  • Performance
  • Security
  • Fault tolerance
  • Service limits

TrustedAdvisor returns a list of recommended actions.

It will also provide recommendations for learning material to understand AWS best practices better.

AWS TrustedAdvisor Dashboard

TrustedAdvisor has a dashboard.

The dashboard is web-based.

Access TrustedAdvisor from the AWS Management Console.


Image created by Amazon Web Services

The dashboard gives you an overview of the completed checks and results per category.

  • Green check: no problems
  • Orange triangle: recommended investigations
  • Red circle: recommended actions

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Fill in the missing category

1. Cost optimization
3. Security
4. Fault tolerance
5. Service limits


AWS TrustedAdvisor
