Python Random Module

Python has a built-in module that you can use to make random numbers.

The random module has a set of methods:

Method Description
Initialize the random number generator
Returns the current internal state of the random number generator
Restores the internal state of the random number generator
Returns a number representing the random bits
Returns a random number between the given range
Returns a random number between the given range
Returns a random element from the given sequence
Returns a list with a random selection from the given sequence
Takes a sequence and returns the sequence in a random order
Returns a given sample of a sequence
Returns a random float number between 0 and 1
Returns a random float number between two given parameters
Returns a random float number between two given parameters, you can also set a mode parameter to specify the midpoint between the two other parameters
betavariate() Returns a random float number between 0 and 1 based on the Beta distribution (used in statistics)
expovariate() Returns a random float number based on the Exponential distribution (used in statistics)
gammavariate() Returns a random float number based on the Gamma distribution (used in statistics)
gauss() Returns a random float number based on the Gaussian distribution (used in probability theories)
lognormvariate() Returns a random float number based on a log-normal distribution (used in probability theories)
normalvariate() Returns a random float number based on the normal distribution (used in probability theories)
vonmisesvariate() Returns a random float number based on the von Mises distribution (used in directional statistics)
paretovariate() Returns a random float number based on the Pareto distribution (used in probability theories)
weibullvariate() Returns a random float number based on the Weibull distribution (used in statistics)
