ASP Folder


The Folder Object is used to return information about a specified folder.

The Folder Object

The Folder object is used to return information about a specified folder.

To work with the properties and methods of the Folder object, you will have to create an instance of the Folder object through the FileSystemObject object. First; create a FileSystemObject object and then instantiate the Folder object through the GetFolder method of the FileSystemObject object.

The following code uses the GetFolder method of the FileSystemObject object to instantiate the Folder object and the DateCreated property to return the date when the specified folder was created:

Dim fs,fo
Set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fo=fs.GetFolder("c:test")
Response.Write("Folder created: " & fo.DateCreated)
set fo=nothing
set fs=nothing


Folder created: 10/22/2008 10:01:19 AM

The Folder object's collections, properties, and methods are described below:


Collection Description
  Returns a collection of all the files in a specified folder
  Returns a collection of all subfolders in a specified folder


Property Description
  Sets or returns the attributes of a specified folder
  Returns the date and time when a specified folder was created
  Returns the date and time when a specified folder was last accessed
  Returns the date and time when a specified folder was last modified
  Returns the drive letter of the drive where the specified folder resides
  Returns true if a folder is the root folder and false if not
  Sets or returns the name of a specified folder
  Returns the parent folder of a specified folder
  Returns the path for a specified folder
  Returns the short name of a specified folder (the 8.3 naming convention)
  Returns the short path of a specified folder (the 8.3 naming convention)
  Returns the size of a specified folder
  Returns the type of a specified folder


Method Description
  Copies a specified folder from one location to another
  Deletes a specified folder
  Moves a specified folder from one location to another
  Creates a new text file in the specified folder and returns a TextStream object to access the file


ASP Folder
