Django Add Master Template

The extends Tag

In the previous pages we created two templates, one for listing all members, and one for details about a member.

The templates have a set of HTML code that are the same for both templates.

Django provides a way of making a "parent template" that you can include in all pages to do the stuff that is the same in all pages.

Start by creating a template called master.html, with all the necessary HTML elements:

MasterGet your own Django Server


<!DOCTYPE html>



  <title>{% block title %}{% endblock %}</title>




{% block content %}

{% endblock %}




Do you see Django block Tag inside the <title> element, and the <body> element?

They are placeholders, telling Django to replace this block with content from other sources.

Modify Templates

Now the two templates (all_members.html and details.html) can use this master.html template.

This is done by including the master template with the {% extends %} tag, and inserting a title block and a content block:



{% extends "master.html" %}


{% block title %}

  My Tennis Club - List of all members

{% endblock %}



{% block content %}




    {% for x in mymembers %}

      <li><a href="details/{{ }}">{{ x.firstname }} {{ x.lastname }}</a></li>

    {% endfor %}


{% endblock %}



{% extends "master.html" %}


{% block title %}

  Details about {{ mymember.f

Add Master Template
