Introduction AWS Networking

AWS has many network connectivity options.

How to connect depends on your setup and requirements.

Introduction to AWS Networking Video collaborates with Amazon Web Services to deliver digital training content to our students.

You will learn about AWS Networking in the next chapters. Lets go!

Relevant Specializations and Guided Projects

  1. Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC):

    • VPC is the foundational networking service in AWS. It allows you to create isolated, logically defined sections of the AWS cloud where you can launch AWS resources, such as EC2 instances, RDS databases, and Lambda functions.
    • You can customize your VPC's IP address range, subnets, route tables, and security settings to meet your specific requirements.
  2. Subnets:

    • VPCs can be divided into subnets, which are logical segments of IP addresses within the VPC's IP address range. Subnets are used to isolate resources and control traffic flow.
    • Public subnets are typically used for resources that need direct internet access, while private subnets are used for resources that should not be directly accessible from the internet.
  3. Security Groups:

    • Security Groups are virtual firewalls that control inbound and outbound traffic to AWS resources. You can associate security groups with EC2 instances and other AWS resources to define allowed traffic rules.
  4. Network Access Control Lists (NACLs):

    • NACLs are stateless network-level firewalls that provide an additional layer of security for your VPC. Unlike Security Groups, NACLs are associated with subnets and operate at the subnet level.
  5. Route Tables:

    • Route tables determine how traffic is routed within your VPC. You can configure route tables to route traffic between subnets, to the internet via a NAT Gateway or NAT instance, or to other AWS services.
  6. Elastic Load Balancing (ELB):

    • ELB distributes incoming traffic across multiple EC2 instances to improve availability and fault tolerance of your applications.
  7. Direct Connect:

    • Direct Connect is a dedicated network connection that links your on-premises data center or office network to AWS. It provides a more reliable and consistent network connection compared to internet-based connections.

AWS Networking
