Innovate with AWS Cloud

Innovation with AWS can improve your business in the cloud.

AWS Services help you:

  • Evaluate your current business state
  • Determine the state you want to be at
  • Deal with the problems you need to solve

Some options for solving your problems that AWS offers you are:

  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Serverless applications

Innovation with AWS Cloud Video collaborates with Amazon Web Services to deliver digital training content to our students.

Machine Learning - ML

AWS offers you a tool that helps you develop ML features in the AWS cloud.

AWS has a service called Amazon SageMaker.

SageMaker reduces the development time and complexity of ML.

With ML, you can predict situations, solve complex issues, analyze data, and more.

Read more about Machine learning here:

Artificial Intelligence - AI

Artificial Intelligence - AI is software capable of performing complex human tasks.

AWS offers many services that are AI-powered:

  • Service to build voice and text chatbots - Amazon Lex
  • Service that can convert text to speech - Amazon Transcribe
  • Service that can discover text patterns - Amazon Comprehend
  • Service that can detect potential fraud activities online - Amazon Fraud Detection

Read more about Artificial Intelligence here:

Serverless Applications

In AWS, you can run the serverless application with a service called AWS Lambda.

It maintains the server for you.

It allows you to give more attention to application development than to administration tasks.

Read more about Serverless and AWS Lambda here:

AWS Cloud Exercises

Test Yourself With Exercises


What kind of service is AWS SageMaker?

SageMaker is a   service

AWS Innovation
