JavaScript Graphics

  • Graphic Libraries

    JavaScript libraries to use for both Artificial Intelligence graphs and other charts:

    • OpenGL: OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is a widely used cross-platform graphics API that allows developers to interact with the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) to render 2D and 3D graphics. It is commonly used in computer games, scientific simulations, and CAD (Computer-Aided Design) applications.

      DirectX: DirectX is a collection of APIs developed by Microsoft for Windows platforms. It provides access to various multimedia features, including 2D and 3D graphics, audio, and input devices. DirectX is often used in game development on Windows.

      Vulkan: Vulkan is a low-level graphics and compute API designed for high-performance graphics applications. It offers more control to developers but also requires more explicit management of resources compared to OpenGL.

      Metal: Metal is Apple's graphics and GPU programming framework, primarily used on macOS and iOS devices. It allows developers to take full advantage of Apple's hardware for graphics rendering and computation.

      Direct2D and Direct3D: These are subsets of the DirectX API, focusing on 2D and 3D graphics, respectively. Direct2D is often used for 2D game development and GUI rendering on Windows.

      SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library): SFML is a C++ multimedia library that simplifies the process of developing games and multimedia applications. It provides functions for graphics, audio, networking, and more.

      SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer): SDL is a cross-platform development library designed for multimedia applications and games. It offers support for graphics, audio, input, and window management.

      Qt: Qt is a popular C++ framework for developing cross-platform GUI applications. It includes a wide range of libraries and tools for graphics, as well as other aspects of application development.

      Cairo Cairo is a 2D graphics library that provides a device-independent API for drawing vector graphics. It's often used for rendering graphics in applications and libraries that need high-quality 2D rendering.

      Skia: Skia is an open-source 2D graphics library developed by Google. It is used in various Google products and can be integrated into applications for high-performance 2D rendering.


    Plotly.js is a charting library that comes with over 40 chart types, 3D charts, statistical graphs, and SVG maps.




    Chart.js comes with many built-in chart types:

    • Scatter
    • Line
    • Bar
    • Radar
    • Pie and Doughnut
    • Polar Area
    • Bubbl

    Google Chart


    From simple line charts to complex tree maps, Google Chart provides a number of built-in chart types:

    • Scatter Chart
    • Line Chart
    • Bar / Column Chart
    • Area Chart
    • Pie Chart
    • Donut Chart
    • Org Chart
    • Map / Geo Chart


Graph Intro
