Module Overview

In this ninth section, you have been introduced to the following concepts:

  1. Software Module: In software development, a module is a self-contained unit of code that performs a specific function. It can be a part of a larger software program or system.

  2. Learning Module: In education and training, a module is a self-contained unit of instruction that covers a specific topic or skill.

  3. Hardware Module: In hardware design, a module can refer to a self-contained hardware component that can be integrated into a larger system.

  4. Corporate Training Module: In a corporate or business context, a module can be a part of a training program that covers a specific aspect of job training or skill development.

  5. Node.js Module: In the context of Node.js (a JavaScript runtime), a module is a reusable block of code that encapsulates related functions and data.

  6. Project Management Module: In project management, a module can be a distinct phase or component of a project plan.

AWS Ninth Recap
